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Major Chemtrail Spray Operation in So.Cal. Fire Area Today! (Updaed Oct. 17, 2008)

Ellyn Sutton

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From: ES
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 4:47 PM
Subject: Major Chemtrail Spray Operation in So.Cal. Fire Area Today!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008, Ventura County / Southern California

There is a MAJOR chemtrail spray operation taking place in Ventura County and Los Angeles today. The sky closest to where the fires are burning is absolutely jam-packed full of chemtrails. The spray planes have been laying down trails since early morning. The texture of the air has been affected considerably by this massive spray operation.

These chemtrail spray planes are in no way to be confused with the planes that are picking up water and flying to the fires and then dumping the water.

I recall this happening in the Colorado/Utah/Arizona areas a few years back, during the huge fire events they had there. It is my understanding that chemtrails just cause fires to burn more out of control due to the dryness in the air chemtrails cause.


----- Original Message -----
From: KH
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 1:32 AM
I live in Wichita KS. and can tell you the chemtrails started here in August of 1998. At first they sprayed lines of trails from one side of the horizon to the other, usually east to west. At one time in the late autumn of that year the weather was unseasonably hot and still. We decided the chemtrails must have been blocking the natural flo of the weather. This went on for several years here. I traveled at the time and saw the same thing in all the state in this part of the country all the way over to the far southwest. After a few years the frequency of the trails reduced but I started to notice that just before they thought it would rain or snow, the sky would be filled, I mean all day and all night making milk skies, at least three days before the weather change. I began to noticed sometimes the rain would not quite happen or not be as heavy as it had been expected. If the rain was strong I would wonder how much we would have received had it not been for the interference. During these sprayings my ability to think  clearly would be affected, as if I were operating in Alpha (I think that is the 2nd level of brain wave patterns) and my breathing would be impaired.
 You are correct in pointing out the intent of spraying is to absorb the moisture content in the air.