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A Message to All from those involved with Stopping The Chemtrails Assault On The People and The Lands in Northern California


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to use "dowsing" to remove and stop the chemtrails that would

be a tremendous aid also, as well as to Stop the drought and

consequent fires.

From: Rose <>

Subject: Prayers for Shasta Co. resident, Dane Wigington

Date: Sunday, June 22, 2008, 8:27 PM

Hi All:

Dave [Casebeer] got off the phone with Dane [Wigington] this afternoon.  He told Dave that he was right in the middle of fighting multiple fires on his 2,000 acre property.  We asked what we could do to help him and he told Dave to get the following information out.

He wanted all of us to know that the conductivity in the air is four times what is normal due to the heavy chemtrail activity over the last four days.  He said, "These chemicals are actually drying out the atmosphere" and that "we must do everything in our power to educate our fellow citizens to stop this insane geoengineering/[bioengineering...Ed.] experiment on our lands and its people."

I want to remind you of this exerpt from The Earth Island Journal Article, "Stolen Skies":

"According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Co., the only way to form artificial clouds in warm dry air is to introduce enough particulates into the atmosphere to attract and accrete all available moisture into visible vapor. If repeated often enough, the resulting rainless haze can lead to drought."

Many prayers for you Dane and your family.

Thank you for all you do to make this world a better place,
