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From: WB
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 12:42 PM
Subject: FW: us and them

Great slideshow Bryan. I was recently told by a trusted friend of mine that Boeing has equipped

820 jets with Chem Trail spraying equipment. That number of aircraft would provide ample coverage for much of the U.S., on average over 17 aircraft to service each State.

Why is America sick with innumerable, un-explained illnesses?


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No debate...
No question...
no doubt,
no hesitation.
I remember...
I remember.
I still remember the sky of my youth.
A stretch of blue...
and the infinite expanse of hope,
quenched lovingly by rain,
falling from merciful clouds,
guided by the winds of a new day.
When did it all change?
How long have we been sleepwalking...
in this collective amnesia...
walking right past...
the projected images of their reality?
Only to awaken...
to the echoes...
of our own questions.
Where's the paint job?
Where's the paint job?
Where's the paint job?
Where's the paint job?...
Where's the flight path?
Where's the flight path?
We may have been blind-sided...
but we are not blind...
to your lame explanations,
your science of lies,
and your politics of hate.
Have you run out of room on this planet for war?
So now you have to take it outside.
Fog the sky, as you will,
but you can never cloud...
the universal truths that live deep within our hearts and minds...
deeper than your indoctrinations.
It's a force...
that not even you can alter....
Whatever awaits us beyond your matrix,
No matter how long the tentacles of your manipulation can reach...
your efforts will crumble under the weight of your brazen miscalculations....
For, KINDNESS is strength.
Humility is intelligence.
LOVE is the most powerful force.

And PEACE is brilliant.