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Earliest Mayan Astronomical Calendar Unearthed in Guatemala Ruins

Mitch Battros - Earth Changes

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May 10, 2012

An excavation of an archaeological site in Guatemala has uncovered Mayan astronomical records dating to the ninth century A.D. The tabulated numbers, which predate existing Mayan astronomical documents by several hundred years, chart the motion of the moon and also seem to relate to the orbits of Mars and Venus.



Archaeologists stumbled onto the astronomical tables, inscribed on the walls of a small building, while excavating part of the Xultun ruins, a large, heavily looted archaeological site in northern Guatemala, near its borders with Mexico and Belize. William Saturno, an archaeologist at Boston University (B.U.), recalls that an undergraduate student noticed the remains of a mural on one of the walls, triggering an excavation of the room, which had been partly exposed by looters. On three of the walls the researchers found figural paintings, along with a series of glyphs and numerals.







UPDATE: Several M-Class Flares Released


Sunspot region 1476 is growing in size and number of spots. Since yesterday noon, several major M-flares have been released. There is no indication that his will stop soon - chances for X-class flaring are becoming substantial.




As this active region is approaching central meridian, the chances for associated particle storms are also increasing. The solar wind speed is still elevated but geomagnetic activity has reduced to quiet levels.