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Pyramids All Over China Indicate That Alien Visitors Have Helped The Development Of Humans

From Truther

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Dec. 5, 2011

Despite speculation about the existence of great pyramids in China, archaeologists and bureaucrats have refused to consider even the rumours about such structures. But recent pictorial evidence proves that China’s pyramids are indeed real, rivalling those of Egypt and Central America for their age, size and significance.

We humans and the world’s ancient monuments are evidence for this theory. Genetic evidence indicates when humans left Africa all known people on Earth had dark skin, dark eyes and dark hair.

Michael Holick, a Boston University School of Medicine professor indicates that when our ancestors left Africa they adjusted their skin tone to allow in more sunlight to get more Vitamin D. Essentially, from two million years ago to less than 100,000 years ago, the ancestors of all people alive were from Africa. 

Genetic evidence indicates that light-skin-related mutations arose recently, and spread fast through Europe and Asia. The theory suggests that the reduction of game meat, fish, and some plants from the diet resulted in skin turning clear many thousands of years after settlement in Europe and Asia. This theory is supported by a study into the SLC24A5 gene which found that the allelomorph associated with light skin in Europe may have originated as recently as 6,000-10,000 years ago.

According to scientists a whole series of fortunate mutations explains white skin, blue and green eyes and blonde hair.

Genetic evidence indicates that light-skin-related mutations arose recently, and spread fast through Europe and Asia. The theory suggests that the reduction of game meat, fish, and some plants from the diet resulted in skin turning clear many thousands of years after settlement in Europe and Asia. This theory is supported by a study into theSLC24A5 gene which found that the allelle associated with light skin in Europe may have originated as recently as 6,000-10,000 years ago.
According to scientists a whole series of fortunate mutations explains white skin, blue and green eyes and blonde hair.
I have personally seen alien visitors and chased their extraterrestrial craft, so my experiences have provided insight into the likely actual situation.
A team of daring Chinese researchers, digging into the ancient mysteries of the origin of their country, has come to the inescapable conclusion that an interstellar, supreme alien race used much of the northern and western Chinese regions as massive Earth bases. Hundreds of strange pyramids cover parts of China and former Tibet. The data has been kept secret mainly because the alien race was blonde, blue eyed, with white skin. It seems logical that this alien race mated with the humans on Earth at that time. The ancient Chinese writings reveal this theme. Thanks to Gordon James Gianninoto
image009 30.jpgNine university scientists gaped upwards at the gigantic, prehistoric pyramid that they determine was built some 10,000 years ago. One such base may be the astonishing pyramid structure that sits near the apex of Mount Baigong in the western province of Qinghai, the Xianyang pyramid. The Chinese pyramids look similar to those in Egypt, Mexico, Peru and on Mars. According to ancient Chinese legend, over one hundred pyramids discovered in China are the legacy of blue eyed blonde aliens.
image011 21.jpgScientist Dr. Carl Sagan in his book, “Intelligent Life in the Universe” indicated Earth had likely been visited by extraterrestrials numerous times. He states, “Sumer was an early–perhaps the first -civilization the contemporary sense on the planet Earth. It was founded in the forth millennium B.C. or earlier. We don’t know where the Sumerians came from. I feel that if the Sumerian civilization is depicted by the descendents of the Sumerians themselves to be of non-human origin, the relevant legends should be examined carefully.” (Page 456)
He goes on to ask, “What might an advanced extraterrestrial civilization want from us?”……He answered his own question by stating, “One of the primary motivations for the exploration of the New World was to convert the inhabitants to Christianity — peacefully if possible — forcefully if necessary. Can we exclude the possibility of an extraterrestrial evangelism? (Page 463)
Evangelism essentially is a method of bringing a belief system to others,” The Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary states, Evangelize is to preach the gospel, from ‘Greek eu, good and Angelos, a messenger, to instruct in the gospel, to preach the Gospel, also to convert to Christianity. The sacred writings of most religions clearly claim that Angels or extraterrestrials brought their religious beliefs to Earth.
image012 20.jpgSumerian brick tablets found all over what is today is Iraq; also tell the story of extraterrestrial visitors and how they brought civilization to Sumer. They explain the visitors taught them to build Ziggurats. The reconstructed facade of the Neo-SumerianGreat Ziggurat of Ur, near NasiriyahIraq
Kenneth Larson writes, “The reason why I found it so interesting concerning your reported ancient Chinese pyramid layouts in your website at
and my strong interest in the ancient Great Pyramid complex near Cairo, Egypt is that there seems to be a basic mathematical-engineering design pattern to the pyramid layouts on the Earth’s surface. My research books and drawings try to show how the entire Earth exhibits intelligent mathematical design patterns and grid patterns, and the designs relate to key UFO sightings and the primary American West design patterns and layouts, etc. One key site is the Great Salt Lake, Utah, settled first by Mormons on July 24, 1847, with related key UFO report sites. Joseph Smith said, “The Earth obeys the laws of a celestial kingdom and the glory of God is intelligence. Hence, the celestial kingdom laws seem to be designs and grid patterns as well as scientific and mathematical precepts and designs based on the pi value. My 38 published books are in the Los Angeles Central Public Library and the Library of Congress, Washington DC. Also, the planet Mars seems to show similar pyramid plan view units. Thanks to Kenneth Larson
Egyptian pyramids were supposedly built by Egyptians in about 3000 BC, as attempt to imitate the stars in the Belt of Orion. They were not exactly at the correct angle to match up with the pyramids unless the location of the stars is traced back to the belt when it was exactly aligned with the pyramids in 10,500 BC. Allegedly no civilized humans were living on the earth at that time.
The Great Pyramid is so huge and so perfect it us unlikely we could construct it today using the same specifications. Each giant Stone ranges from 1 to 20 tons in weight, and the Great Pyramid was built with well over 100,000 stones. But the Egyptians had no machinery, engines, helicopters, or construction equipment, so it is doubtful they could have built without technological help. The stones came from quarries 500 miles away. Just cutting the stones is extremely difficult, getting the to the building site is a monumental task and how did they place 20 ton stones perfectly hundreds of feet high The top of the pyramid is 481 feet high. A ramp would require as much material as the pyramid. If the pyramid stones were cut it into foot square blocks, they it would reach two thirds of the way around the world. The Great Pyramid lies on 31 degrees north by 31 degrees west. The pyramid is the center of all of the land mass of the whole earth! I examined the interior of the Great Pyramid and there was no writing or hieroglyphics and it seemed more like a power station than a tomb.
Sitting next to the Great Pyramid is the Sphinx with the body of a lion with a human head. At one time the Sphinx likely had lions head that was perfectly proportioned for the head of a lion, not the human head. This human head looks tiny sitting on top of the lion body and was likely carved out of lion’s head. The Sphinx was also built in 10,500 BC, probably to celebrate the constellation of Leo the Lion rising directly behind the sun. When I visited the Sphinx, it was obvious there are signs of water erosion all over the Sphinx again going back to the same time period. The Egyptians kept very careful historical records but there are no records of them building the Great Giza Pyramid.
Ancient Egyptian scriptures reveal the Tep Zepi, or the First Time when the “gods came from the sky came down to Earth and raised the land from mud and water. Ptah (Gods of Heaven came to Earth from the Celestial Disk) installed as Egypt’s first Divine Ruler his own son RA.
They flew with flying “boats and brought laws and wisdom to man through a royal line of pharaohs. It is likely t hat a very advanced alien race came down and altered our genetic pool. Most ancient writings repeat the same theme that gods or extraterrestrial visitors came to make humans in their image.