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New Pyramid Discovered in Egypt

Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

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Archaeologists have discovered a new pyramid under the sands of Saqqara, an ancient burial site that remains largely unexplored and has yielded a string of unearthed pyramids in recent years, Egypt's antiquities chief announced Tuesday.
The 4,300-year-old monument most likely belonged to the queen mother
of the founder of Egypt's 6th Dynasty, several hundred years after the building of the famed Great Pyramids of Giza, the country's antiquities chief Zahi Hawass said as he took media on a tour of the find.

The discovery is part of the sprawling necropolis and burial site of the rulers of ancient Memphis, the capital of Egypt's Old Kingdom, about 12 miles (19 kilometers) south of Giza.

All that remains of the pyramid
is a square-shaped 16-foot (5-meter) tall structure that had been buried under 65 feet (25 meters) of sand.

"There was so much sand dumped
here that no one had any idea there was something buried underneath," said Hawass.