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How to Find Secret Entryways to Inner/Undergoround Worlds, New and Ancient

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What a morning!  Anyone for a game of "National treasure"?

I've just confirmed something I've suspected for many years now.  I know what the symbology of the Sphinx-like "lions" means!  Lions at the gates of buildings all over the world mean one thing, yes, but those with the "head of a Royal family member" mean even more.  IE: The Queen has been "Sphinxed" - is a marker for an even greater under-ground connection.

First read this article:

Now look at the attached photo I had at my old website.  Is this any way to depict ROYAL family members???  Apperantly it's not only permitted, it's got a very deep meaning and high degree of importance to them.

This is exactly the location where my intuition told me there's an underground tunnel system.  I had this "confirmed" by a worker there of many years.  In brief, she had seen the location to the underground once and was ushered away from the "basement" area by staff as it was "unsafe" or something - so she began asking other workers what all the activity there was about and got a lot of zipped lips and "I don't care, not my department", but SOME showed interests and they shared stories about these (still in use?) old tunnel systems.

This "Sphinxing of the Queen" (etc) is the CODE they use to link to the surface the goings on of their underground tunnels, just like in Giza!

I have main-stream newspaper article dating back into t he 80's and 90's where they talk about the "old underground tunnel systems" under the Vancouver Art Gallery, the FORMER "city hall" from way back when the city was first built.  I have similar articles regarding the Victoria parliament buildings that were published.  I'm sure these can be rediscovered in assorted archives on the internet and elsewhere at any time.  ALL these locations have "Lions" in the passant position (Sphinx-like) at the main entrances... it's like saying... "Come in here, fellow MEMBERS of the underground system and if you see a Sphinx, then this tunnel system goes deeper than you might know of yet."

Now what I suspect is the "Lions" mean one kind of tunnel access, and the "Sphinx" markers mean another level of access entirely.  As to what exactly, I don't know for sure... but considering the above article regarding the Giza region and what's in the entryways there... it's BIG news either way!  Worth exploring for sure.

I love it when things like this come together for me.  :)  Intuition is a powerful tool for all of us.  I know I'm right on this one.

Your thoughts on these underground tunnel markers?  Got any articles to share?