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Another Message From Michael Moore 09-08-05

Michael Moore

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center on the shores of Lake Ponchatrain.

I have closed my New York production office and flown my crew down to Louisiana to assist in the effort. Retired Army colonel Ann Wright (who joined us on our election tour last fall) is there at Camp Casey-Covington helping to organize our relief effort and working with the dozens of Vietnam and Iraqi War vets who are going into New Orleans every day to rescue people. They are also distributing food, water and other necessities to area shelters.

My crew will arrive later today to make sure that every item you are sending gets to the needy IMMEDIATELY, not days or weeks from now. And I will personally see that every single cent you have donated goes to those afflicted.

Late in the day we were contacted by someone offering the use of their jet to fly supplies down to Louisiana. Then came the offer of a boat from a man in Dallas who is driving it to Covington for our vets to use...

DON'T BELIEVE THE P.R. The Bush spin machine keeps issuing the cheery news that the networks keep reporting without questioning it. Last week they kept telling us that there were "30,000" or "40,000" National Guard troops either already in or on their way to New Orleans. None of that was true.

Today's news that "debit cards worth 2,000 dollars" were being handed to each homeless hurricane evacuee. A friend of mine, who's in-laws live in Jefferson Parish, told me that they went to the FEMA center today to get their debit cards and they said that not only weren't there any debit cards, the FEMA people there didn't know anything about it.

Is there a reporter out there willing to find out what's really going on?

FREE FLIGHTS FOR EVACUEES We need to start a frequent flyer miles bank so that people can donate their free miles to evacuees so they can fly to cities where they may have family members who can take care of them. Anyone want to give this a shot? Write to my webmaster.

THANK YOUS Thank you Sean Penn for risking your safety and health by going in the toxic waters of New Orleans to save people.

Thank you Kanye West for telling it like it is on the telethon last Friday.

# Posted by Michael @ 5:07 AM
