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Gov. Perry Violates Sovereign Soil

By Michael Treis

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d the Mexican Army carried a full contingency of arms including fully automatic weapons and rocket propelled grenades and other weapons.

I had the privilege to travel this weekend to San Antonio with GOP candidate for governor Larry Kilgore and his campaign director Joey Dauben. We were all horrified to see the troops prowling the grounds of KellyUSA (formally Kelly AFB). They were obviously sensitive to observation as the waved us on several times as we took pictures from the campaign vehicle.

Kilgore’s vehicle was decorated with his Larry Kilgore for Governor placards as well as pictures of baby abortion victims with appropriate Bible verses supporting his position against abortion. Kilgore is a staunch believer in Biblical laws to govern our Republic as well as seccession from the limited liability corporation otherwise known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a well deserved of consideration idea.

The very idea that Gov. Perry (a Republican) would allow armed foreign troops upon our soil is outrageous, albeit under the guise of helping flood victims. GOP candidate Larry Kilgore went to San Antonio to protest the foreign troops on our soil and campaign in the area. My hat is off to Mr. Kilgore for his willingness to stand against this threat to our sovereign Republic, and call Gov. Perry for his lack of preserving the Republic and it’s sovereignty.

In a time when we are under the highest threat of terrorist attacks in our nation, Gov. Perry refuses to close the border to illegal invaders be it Mexican, Columbian, or other possible terrorist nationals. Our sovereign soil continues to be invaded by a horde of illegals that threaten the very security of our Republic and Perry turns a deaf ear to the problem. It is a sad situation when concerned citizens of the Republic have to leave their homes, and jobs to defend the border from these illegal entrants with no pay or compensation for the time they volunteer in service to our Republic. Campaign on Kilgore!
