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Freedom Convoy Attempting the Miracle Rescue of 300,000 Trapped Families in Gaza

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Viva Palistiana, Global Lifeline  Oct 14, 2010

 Editor CE: Rescue Chile emphasized the value of a single human life, and wasn't it a head rush?

But if these 33 lives were worth saving why not save the lives of half a million Philistine children?

Israel's President Netanyahu, who is responsible for killing and imprisoning uncounted Palestinians, is said to have called the President of Chile to congratulate him on saving lives. This is like getting a call from Bernard Madoff to extol your honesty! No thanks.

President Obama was asked to comment on the rescue and emphasized Americans' contribution. Wonderful that the US helped. So, why can't we rescue the millions of prisoners from Israel's Gaza and West Bank gulags? No large cash, nor any brilliant technology is required,..Mr. Obama need only to tell Mr Netanyahu to "release the Philistines or we cut off our foreign aid to you."

The Flotilla party and the truck convoy's to Gaza have earn the respect of the rest of the world. As soon as the Americans know about Israel's gulags the rescue will be real the one that saved 33 miners in Chile.

---Viva Palestian Reports: "In Latakia, the convoy has been joined by two other convoys. One came from Morocco and Algeria, the other originated in Doha and came through the Gulf states and Jordan.There are now 147 vehicles about to board two ships together with 380 people from some 30 countries stretching from New Zealand and Australia to Canada and the United States carrying aid worth some 5 million dollars. This includes 40 people who were on the Mavi Marmara flotilla which was attacked by Israeli commandos murdering ten human rights activists from Turkey.Over the last ten days in Syria, the convoy has taken on medical supplies urgently needed in the besieged Gaza Strip. Simultaneously negotiations have been conducted with the Egyptian authorities to allow passage into the port of Al Arish and then on to the Rafah Crossing.The support of the Syrian authorities and others has been vital in the successful negotiations. Last night word finally came through that the Egyptian authorities would allow the ships to dock, unload and passage through to the Rafah Crossing and Gaza would be guaranteed."

Watch the Gaza rescue on film:

Oct 15, 2010