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The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 20 The Nazis Do Katrina

Jon Carlson

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the city proper. No hurricane has hit New Orleans directly because the Continental Shelf extends far into the Gulf. New Orleans is located 107 miles from the mouth of the Mississippi River, about 50 miles from Gulfcoast, and over a hundred miles from the edge of the Continental Shelf. Once a hurricane leaves deep water it loses its power.

Hurricanes have their strongest wind component on the eastern side. Katrina's weaker winds on the West inpacted New Orleans:

In the 35 years since Camille New Orleans' levees were upgraded to withstand a Category 3 hurricane direct hit. Katrina was predicted to be a Category 3 hurricane aimed directly at New Orleans but it took a sharp eastern turn away from New Orleans and winds diminished considerably as well before it hit the mainland.

With just Mother Nature to contend with, New Orleans made out well but dealing with the Nazi Devils was another story.

This satellite photo sequence shows how Katrina hit Florida before hitting Mississippi: