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On this Day, Five Years after the Levees Broke

Sandy Rosenthal -

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As with the past four years, it was hard to choose the words to say on this, the 5th anniversary of the worst civil engineering disaster in U.S. history.

Searching for balance, we remember those souls who did not survive the disaster.  

And we find encouragement in some very good news I will now share. 

A senior member of the Louisiana Governor's office has asked Congress to include the 8/29 Investigation Act in the 2010 Water Resources Development Act.

More specifically, Garret Graves, Chairman of the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana has asked Congress to include the 8/29 Investigation Act in WRDA 10.

This is very good news for many reasons.

1.  Mr. Graves has invited to help craft the text of the investigation.

2.  The text will become part of the original language of WRDA, not an amendment that can later be stripped off.

3.  Mr. Graves believes he can attain the full support of the Louisiana Congressional Delegation.

4.  Mr. Graves is a sharp guy and understands coastal and flood issues very well.  Further, he has worked in DC and knows politics. 

We have much faith in Mr. Graves.  The night before we announced this news at our Annual Observance on August 26, he sent me a letter reaffirming his commitment that I read aloud.  Here is the text of his letter.

"Louisianans learned a number of very painful lessons through the man made disasters induced by Hurricane Katrina. No one should ever have to go this learning experience ever again.

"In an effort to complete the reforms needed to truly prevent a repeat of the systemic engineering, policy, process and legal failures that led to catastrophic losses in Louisiana, the formation of the 8/29 Commission is long overdue. I strongly support it's creation.

We have requested that our Congressional delegation include this in the Water Resources Development Act."

This is clear evidence that your continued support is generating results.  We will let you know when the time is right to contact your members of Congress.

Other news.

On this the 5th anniversary, many members and supporters of have been spotlighted and quoted in the major media including ABC National News, the Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Fox News and more.

You click here to view the news stories.

These invitations from major news outlets are certainly more proof that your efforts are paying off.

Thank you you for support.

We're winning.

Sandy Rosenthal


----- Original Message ----
-From: Levees.Org
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2010 12:12 PM
Subject: On this Day, Five Years after the Levees Broke