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NATO Orders 7,000 US Marines To Costa Rica As Gulf Oil Disaster Quake Fears Grow (Updated July 16, 2010)

By: Sorcha Faal

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ibbean Plates and potentially unleashing upon the America’s

a catastrophic earthquake.

As we had previously reported on in our July 4th report titled “NATO Orders All “Critical Assets” Moved 100 Miles Inland From Gulf Oil Spill Region”, NATO’s current Chairman of the Military Committee Admiral Giampaol

o Di P

aola has taken defacto control over the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster from President Obama who continues to this day leaving this unprecedented catastrophe in the hands of his intelligence services and BP.

Admiral Di Paola’s fears, this report continues, lies in the massive amount of abiogenic oil and methane gases being released from the Gulf of Mexico which many experts are warning could destabilize an already weakened

earthquake zone and which Russian scientists are holding responsible for the 5.0 magnitude trembler that hit the Great Lakes region barely a fortnight ago and the 4.6 Virgin Island and 4.7 Guatemala quakes occurring during the past 24 hours.  

Equally potentially catastrophic for this region is this massive oil spill occurring during a predicted above average hurricane season as another storm begins churning these troubled waters, it occurring during a time of a tot

al solar eclipse due to occur on July 11th, and as our Sun begins throwing off a number of massive flares, all long associated with earthquakes in both modern and ancient lore.

The connection with catastrophic earthquakes upon our Earth and their association with solar eclipses have long been known and was last evidenced by the January 12, 2010 7.0 magnitude quake that destroyed the Caribbean Island of Haiti killing over 250,000 and occurring 3 days before the January 15, 2010 solar eclipse.  Hurricane type storms are also said to be cause of earthquakes by scientists as well as solar flares.  

Admiral Di Paola’s decision to move these 7,000 US Marines from their American base in North Carolina to Costa Rica, this report continues, is based upon his need to have “viable forces” positioned on either side of the North American and Caribbean Plate Zones should disaster strike.  

Under pressure from NATO, Costa Rica this week granted the US military a six-month window to bring the 7,000 Marines, five planes and 46 warships into its territory by a vote of 31-8 vote by its Legislative Assembly with

some lawmakers warning that their Nation was giving up its sovereignty.

And in what could possibly be one of the greatest ironies of all time, (and we’re not making this up, check the links) the American government is saying that its rapid movement of these 7,000 US Marines to Costa Rica is to help this Central American Nation “fight drugs”, while at the exact same time it not only refuses to protect its own drug infested border with Mexico, it has actually sued one of its own States for trying to protect it themselves.

Though the US government continues to blackout nearly all the news of this historic catastrophe from reaching the American people, the same cannot be said of the hundreds, if not thousands of this beleaguered Nations citizens who continue their brave mission to inform their fellow citizens of the dire straight they are all facing, such as:

The New Orleans families that traveled at great peril to the Gulf dodging roadblocks to gather their own samples of the water which show the waters are totally poisoned.   

A small, but ve

ry brave, American woman named Marguerite Cravatt who at 4’11” stood up to a 6’4” police officer trying to stop her from filming one of the many workers falling ill and having to be taken to hospital.

The Sea Shepherd environmental group whose pilots have braved flying over the Gulf in fear of being shot down to document the catastrophic extent of this spill from the air.  

The Archangel Project which has documented the thousands of buses being secreted into the Gulf region for possible evacuations when the true extent of this disaster becomes known.

The Florida Oil Spill Law website that has documented the hundreds of BP oil spill workers falling ill as well as reporting on the deaths occurring there too.

The anonymous BP contract worker who agreed to be interviewed and explained the meaning of the “red flags” and “black flags” being used by cleanup crews.

Though these are but a few of those seeking to tell the truth of these events, there are so many more doing the same thing that it perhaps signals that the power of the propaganda American media that exists only to serve the elite classes of the United States may, in fact, be crumbling as viewership levels have hit record lows among the United States top network newscasts.

But be warned, and as history has proven time and time again, these elite classes will not go down without a fight and care not at all how millions have to die to protect their lives of wealth and privilege.



----- Original Message -----
From: M
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 5:28 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Regarding: NATO Orders 7,000 US Marines To Costa Rica As Gulf Oil Disaster Quake Fears Grow ...

 Have you ever noticed the NATO symbol is actually a stylized swastika? Do a google image search and you\'ll see. The truth is always out there, isn\'t it! We just have to open our eyes and look at what\'s in front of us.