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Relief Efforts in Haiti

Dimce Giorgief

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Dear Mr. Whistleblower:


Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta and I have discussed ways in which we could help the people of Haiti.  One thing was agreed upon and that was the situation required a large sum of money, a determined populace, and the political will.


It is no secret that in and around Haiti lays an enormous amount of oil and natural gas.  There are enough natural resources to power the entire Caribbean, Mexico, America and Central America for generations.  The USGS has recently upgraded the oil reserves of Venezuela to surpass that of Saudi Arabia, in fact over 500 billion barrels and its equivalent.  The reason I mention Venezuela is that the oil reserves of Haiti rival that of its South American neighbour.  Making this region a contender in the world’s petroleum market.


Having said the above and knowing that sometimes politicians need incentives to initiate a course of action, please allow me to propose a plan, which may facilitate a speedy positive response?  There is no question that the $200B minimum offered by the OITC would help the Haitian people rebuild their nation.  I am interested in learning the following?


  1. If requested by the Haitian President and Prime Minister, would the OITC fund their oil and natural gas infrastructure?  This is assuming that as part of the agreement basic needs infrastructure projects are underway?
  2. Do you agree that developing Haitian oil and natural gas infrastructure would dramatically improve energy security for the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and North America? 

I considered contacting you privately to pose these questions, but in order to be transparent I decided on the public approach.  It is my sincere hope that the Haitian leadership consider the above to get the rebuilding effort underway for the long-term benefit of the Haitian and Caribbean people. 


Best Regards,

----- Original Message -----
To: Dimce Giorgief
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:15 AM
Subject: Relief Efforts in Haiti
 [NOTE:  I thought we were moving to free energy and not a continuing raping of Mother Earth and polluting of our environment by the use of fossil fuels!  ---PHB ]