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Haitians are still scared to go indoors after Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude earthquake, as aftershocks continue to rock the devestated capitol city of Port-au-Prince.

Thousands upon thousands of the estimated 3 million affected people are sleeping in the streets and in makeshift shelters, waiting for international aid to arrive.

Aid workers estimate that more than one million pepole are in desperate need of food, water, medicine and shelter, just so they can survive.

Islamic Relief USA has launched a $1 million appeal to help the victims, and is preparing to deploy an emergency team to the island nation.

Please donate today to help Haiti's earthquake-affected people survive and rebuild their lives.

Islamic Relief USA is also working with partners to ship urgently-needed aid to relieve the suffering.

Every part of Port-au-Prince was either damaged or destroyed by the quake. Homes, schools, hospitals, even the National Palace where the president resides, were all decimated.

Injured children that lost contact with their parents are taking refuge in collapsed buildings and under debris.

Haiti’s infrastructure is already very modest and has now been brought to its knees by the quake.  Disease, hunger and lawlessness are taking their toll on the people.

Donate today, to help maximize Islamic Relief's response.

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, and is also one of the most densely populated and least developed.  Nearly 80 percent of Haiti's 9 million people live in poverty.

Please help the victims and donate to Islamic Relief’s Emergency fund today.