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Aid surges to Haitian quake victims

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Jan. 14, 2010

James Whelan, who heads the James R Whelan Agency, which works with WND on its advertising, didn't hesitate when he learned while traveling of the devastating earthquake that decimated Haiti.

He dispatched instructions to forward $10,000 immediately to the Frank McKinney Caring House Project Foundation, which already had been working on housing projects in the island nation.

"Our plan includes securing a plane or planes to travel either direct to Haiti or to the Dominican Republic then drive to Haiti. Once there we will secure proper ground transportation to take our dream team to the affected areas. I will be with them," McKinney reported.

Interrupting a trip, Whelan responded to WND's request for information about his company's work in Haiti.

WND Exclusive

Aid surges to Haitian quake victims

From $5 to $1 million, donations pour in
Posted: January 14, 2010

12:30 am Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

James Whelan, who heads the James R Whelan Agency, which works with WND on its advertising, didn't hesitate when he learned while traveling of the devastating earthquake that decimated Haiti.

He dispatched instructions to forward $10,000 immediately to the Frank McKinney Caring House Project Foundation, which already had been working on housing projects in the island nation.

"Our plan includes securing a plane or planes to travel either direct to Haiti or to the Dominican Republic then drive to Haiti. Once there we will secure proper ground transportation to take our dream team to the affected areas. I will be with them," McKinney reported.

Interrupting a trip, Whelan responded to WND's request for information about his company's work in Haiti.

(Story continues below)


"We have donated money through the Caring House Project which was founded by Frank McKinney. Our company has contributed to the building of several houses along with lots of footwear for the people to wear, among other things," he said.

"We have donated $10,000 today. Our plans for the immediate future are to donate (a) minimum of $30,000…" he said. "The best way for people to help the people in Haiti is not to send material things ... but to donate to organizations such as Caring House or Food for the Poor. They are experts in knowing and understanding what is needed right now. This is because they have people on the ground there right now."

The well-known Christian group Samaritan's Purse said its first teams were dispatched within hours of the quake "to help with water, shelter, medical care and other emergency needs."

Its local Haiti partner, Baptist Haiti Mission, reported "severe damage throughout the area. Power is out, and there is no water."


"It's overwhelming," said Kyrk Baker, director of operations for Baptist Haiti Mission. "We have a 100-bed hospital, and right now patients are lining the floor. There are big box vans coming in with people to see a doctor. It's just unbelievable the amount of people that are lined up trying to get basic medical care."

Baptist Haiti Mission is located in the mountains outside Port Au Prince, about 20 miles from the epicenter. The hospital and other buildings were reported operating on generators.

Officials reported the 7.0 quake was the strongest to hit the nation in 200 years. It brought down hotels, the U.N. headquarters and the presidential palace.

The death and injury toll at this point remain guesses, but Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive said the possibility is that several hundred thousand died.

"I hope that is not true, because I hope the people had the time to get out," Bellerive said in a CNN interview. "Because we have so much people on the streets right now, we don't know exactly where they were living. But so many, so many buildings, so many neighborhoods totally destroyed, and some neighborhoods we don't even see people."

The epicenter was about 10 miles west of Port-au-Prince, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Baker told Samaritan's Purse, "Being able to help people in time of need demonstrates Christ's love."

Other organizations that jumped into the fray included Operation Blessing International, the humanitarian arm of the Christian Broadcasting Network, which was sending water purification equipment.

Spokesman Bill Horan said $2 million in medicine already was on the dock at Port-au-Prince.

Another ministry is Christian Aid, which launched an emergency appeal for one million British pounds for the Haiti victims – after its own office in the country was destroyed.

Mission of Hope Haiti had its staff working around the clock on wounded at its triage and command center, and World Relief was distributing food, blankets and water. Mercy Ships also were en route.

Other parts of corporate

American also joined in. Google, which critics say is on a path to acquire every fact on Earth, posted an ominous chart today, listing hospitals across Haiti and their status as a result of yesterday's cataclysm.

"Hopital du Canape Vert: Status Unknown. Hopital Francais d'Haiti: Status Unknown. Hopital Maternite Sapiens, Status Unknown. Hopital de l'University d'Etat d'Haiti: Status Unknown. Hopital Saint Francois de Sales: Status Unknown," and so on.

The listings provided in indication of the stunning level of desolation after the quake which reportedly collapsed schools, government buildings, houses and highways.

Google's announcement confirmed the corporation's $1 million donation and procedures were set up for individuals to donate their own amounts to international aid organizations such as UNICEF and CARE.

Links also were provided to Direct Relief, Yele Haiti, Partners in Health, Red Cross, World Food Program, Mercy Corps, Save the Children and others.

McKinney reported he's been building houses and tackling other projects in Haiti for years.

The builder of exotic and luxury homes said, "After all, when you strip it all down, I am simply in the housing business, and felt I should be providing that most basic need to those who have no home.

"Stability begins with a home. Without the need of shelter being met, there is often little hope."

Whelan also dispatched a memo to his employees suggesting if they knew anyone interested in helping, they should be directed to McKinney's operations. He noted the hotel in which he had been staying only a few months earlier now "has totally collapsed."

Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt also was reaching out to his constituency, suggesting donations for Haitians.

Klingenschmitt, who made a name for himself when he refused to stop praying "in Jesus name," said some members of his own extended family were already on scene in Haiti on a missions project.

"I am personally thanking God [they] are presently safe, already on location in Haiti for the past week, and now working at the scene to help recover, not only from this earthquake but also from last summer's hurricanes."

President Obama announce he had directed that his administration respond "with a swift, coordinated, and aggressive effort."

USAID and the State and Defense departments would be working together, he said.

At the United Nations, the secretary-general confirmed "no doubt" work would be needed to cope with "a major humanitarian emergency."

He said $10 million would be released from the Central Emergency Relief Fund
