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Viva Palestina US Crosses Into Gaza through Rafah - Short Speech By George Galloway

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At approximately 1820GMT on July 15 2009, the Viva Palestina US Convoy finally crossed into Gaza from the Rafah Crossing in Egypt. Headed up by the British Member of Parliament, George Galloway as well as former Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney, the convoy was due to bring over US$1million of AID and humanitarian assistance into the besieged Gaza Strip. Due to problems created by the Mobarak Regime in Egypt they were finally only able to cross with half of that amount of aid.

This recording was recorded live as they entered Gaza, and has a short speech by George Galloway where he explains the situation and introduces that there will soon be a Viva Palestina Venezuala.

Broadcast on PressTV at approximately 1820GMT on July 15, 2009.