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Bombs Will Kill Women in Afghanistan

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From: Sonali of AWM, for Brave New Foundation
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 12:16 PM
Subject: Bombs will kill women in Afghanistan
Life for women in Afghanistan has gotten worse since the Taliban were removed from power. Once they chafed under the slavish conditions the Taliban imposed on their daily lives. Today they suffer under the exact same conditions, this time under the rule of the regime of warlords put in place by the U.S.-led coalition. And in addition to this oppression, women in Afghanistan are forced to cope with war.

A few weeks ago, Brave New Foundation supporters gave generously to RAWA's effort to provide that relief; collectively, you gave $6,000 to families suffering from lack of food and blankets. RAWA needs $9,000 more to take care of ALL of these 1,000 families.

You have done a great service to Afghan families by joining with Rethink Afghanistan to call on the U.S. government to bring this destructive war to an end. Now please help the families victimized by the war - give what you can.

Please share this video with others by Digging it and Re-Tweeting on Twitter: RT @afghanistandocu Bombs wont liberate #Afghan women Give RAWA $15 for 1 family's food, blankets


Sonali Kolhatkar,

Co-Director of the Afghan Women's Mission

writing on behalf of the Brave New Foundation team

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