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White House Silenced Those Who Spoke Out After Katrina

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From: Levees.Org
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 11:23 AM
Subject: White House silenced those who spoke out after Katrina

After the spectacular failure of the federal government's levees in Katrina's storm surge, the President's closest advisors sent emissaries to Louisiana to properly hush those who spoke out against the corruption and poor management of the greater New Orleans levee system.

A well researched 6-part series by veteran journalist Carol Forsloff exposes the sordid tale of federal cover-up of the engineering mistakes that nearly destroyed the jewel of Louisiana, the city of New Orleans.

Vote on and forward this article to everyone you know!


With strength and courage, Ms. Forsloff has read all the literature, talked to all the key players and has now told the real story of why New Orleans flooded, and what transpired in the days, weeks and months afterward.

Vote and forward this article to all your families and friends!

It's now crystal clear why America needs the 8/29 Investigation Act.

Please click here and demand that Congress orders a truly independent bipartisan analysis of the flood protection failures on August 29, 2005. It will cost only 1/10 of a percent of the flood protection dollars already allocated to improve metro New Orleans levees. Let's do it right this time.

It's best if you act by 5pmEST April 3, 2009.

Please click here and demand the 8/29 Investigation Act.

Thank you!

Sandy Rosenthal


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Levees.Org is your source for information about levees and flood protection in New Orleans and nationwide.