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[NOTE:  I ask our readers to give suggestions to this gentleman.  ---PHB]\
----- Original Message -----
From: "Billie Herrin" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 3:00 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 I would like some information on the part you talked about clearing up bills ...

 I am about to lose my home, and I have several debts I will never be able to repay the way they want me to .

 I dont have the money to hire an attorney to help me file bankruptsy and i dont really want to do that ...

 I want to be able to pay back what i truly owe ...

 My daughters made some of the debts ...but was in my name, but, I just don\'t know how to go about getting help for this.

 I know that you have to have an ATTORNEY but, I do not have the money for one ...I have an eviction notice on my home now ..I think i have about 30 days to find another place to live ...and i cant even do that ..

 I am on social security disability ...and it is really hard to pay my bills ..much less bills left to me by others ...

 I dont have a lot of bills ...but ..I cant seem to stay up with things ....since i have been helping my kids too ... but, they dont want to help me in return ....

 I would appreciate any help you could give to me as to information on how to get some help..