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!Viva Palestina!

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Join George Galloway's Valentine to Palestine!

And, if you haven't done so yet, please write to the BBC to complain about their blocking the broadcast of a public appeal for aid for Gazans.

Even though the BBC has aired appeals for other disasters throughout the world, they are suddenly claiming the same sort of appeal for Gaza aid would violate its commitment to impartiality of its coverage of an ongoing story. According to today's AlJazeera report, the BBC has not yet reversed its decision, despite yesterday's protest, pressure from Parliment, and numerous written complaints. The BBC has received 10,000 e-mail complaints. If you haven't written to the BBC, please do so at (or use the link on
The British Broadcasting Corporation is defending its decision not to air a fund-raising appeal for the victims of the Gaza crisis. The televised appeal would be for the Disasters Emergency Committee, an organisation which represents a number of aid agencies. But, the broadcaster says it does not want to compromise public confidence in its impartiality. Al Jazeera's Fergal Parkinson reports.