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Why Don't We Help Our Poor?

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----- Original Message -----
From: Ruth Crank
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:54 AM
Subject: letter to the senator that was on fourwinds 9/22
I am so disgusted with our lame government and so many of our so called representatives. Some are saying that the Democrats are as corrupt as the Republicans. Our country is in trouble, economically, morally, educationally. I believe Mr. McCain is so stupid. He does not know how much our people are hurting, and he is running for President? I was at the Job and Family Service, yesterday in Dayton, Ohio. There were over 1000 people in line for food stamps. There were lots of Senior citizens, some in wheel chairs. There were pregnant moms, small children with parents, standing for a long, long time. It made you want to cry! We give to the poor in other countries, and our poor and old are without funds and the chance to work and restore themselves. Please share with others what I have said. Please call those resposible for this mess.

Ruth Crank