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D'Anne Burley Needs Help!

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August 17, 2008

Researcher and radio broadcaster D'Anne Burley is very ill. She has congestive heart failure [CHF], severe edema, fluid inher lungs, and difficulty breathing and walking.

D'Anne is completely out of funds and needs immediate multiple emergency loans of at least $50 to stay alive.  Otherwise she'll be thrown out on the street and likely will not survive. Also her research materials will be destroyed.  I sent her $850 for rent, back rent, food, and some nutrients to help her heart, but I'm tapped out.  Her rent is $50/day.  She is skilled as a paralegal and accountant, and has money coming in a few weeks and will be able to repay the loans.

Anyone who can help please phone her right away at 1-630-666-8528.

Her show was recently removed from the Republic BroadcastingNetwork after she did a broadcast about genocide inside the U.S. via CIA drug importation, the prison system, the intentional destruction of the low-income area of New Orleans in the Katrina disaster, etc.

For years, D'Anne has done superb research on U.S. government corruption and crime, worked with Sherman Skolnick when he was alive, and broadcast the information to the public, to help save all our lives.  She needs our help now to save her life.

These are some of her websites: