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Burma cyclone: Death toll set to reach 100,000 as secretive junta 'holds up aid efforts'

David Williams

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e could be as high as 100,000, American diplomats said last night.

"The information that we're receiving indicates that there may well be over 100,000 deaths in the delta area," said Shari Villarosa, the charge d'affaires of the U.S. embassy in Rangoon.

She spoke as British and international aid agencies accused Burma's military junta of deliberately delaying emergency help reaching up to the million people made homeless by Cyclone Nargis.

Five days after the 120mph storm devastated the Irrawaddy delta, the country's rulers were still refusing to grant emergency experts visas to enable the huge international relief operation to be co- ordinated and reach increasingly desperate survivors.

Need: A survivor carrying water

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice summed up internationalfrustrations when she said: "What remains is for the Burmese government to allow the international community to help its people. It should be a simple matter. It is not a matter of politics."

A leaked UN internal document accused Burma of "dragging its feet" in refusing to allow aid workers visas, adding disturbingly there is no indication of when "this will be sorted out."

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Burma cyclone

Desperate: Cyclone survivors wait for relief goods in a village in the Irrawaddy delta

Andrew Kirkwood, Burma director of the British-based Save the Children, said: "There is an incredibly urgent humanitarian need. We're talking about a similar situation to the 2004 tsunami.

"The storm surge in many parts of the delta following the major wind was reportedly as high as 25ft in places and as the delta is a very flat area we expect that many, many people drowned.

"Unless assistance gets into those areas very soon, the death toll will keep rising. It is a race against time and now our priority has to be those who are left." Scroll down for more ...

Burma cyclone

Laid waste: Missing roofs and buckled trees show the devastation in a delta town

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With state-controlled TV showing pictures of generals visiting survivors and suggesting the situation was returning to normal, diplomats said Burma was prepared to accept shipments of aid but the stumbling block was that it was insisting it would distribute it, instead of international experts in dealing with disasters.

As aid agencies waited, reports from inside Burma graphically underlined the urgent need for the country's rulers to allow emergency specialists into the country.

Burma cyclone

Resolute: A Buddhist monk wades through the floodwaters in Rangoon

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Bloated human and animal corpses are said to be floating in salty flood water as survivors try desperately to reach dry ground on boats using blankets as sails.

In one part of the Irrawaddy delta, hungry crowds of survivors are said to have stormed the few shops with stocks of food.

Fights broke out between those searching for food.

With little drinking water, people are said to be drinking coconut milk while local aid groups distributed rice porridge, which people were receiving in dirty plastic shopping bags because all their kitchenware was lost.

"Basically the entire lower delta region is under water," said Richard Horsey, Bangkok-based spokesman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid.

He added: "This is a major, major disaster we're dealing with."

Survivors face poor sanitation, no shelter and a lack of drinking water, the UN said, while warning that flooding could lead to outbreaks of malaria and dengue fever as well as water-borne diseases such as cholera and dysentery.

Experts said yesterday that the impact of Cyclone Nargis on food supplies will be long-lasting because Burma's rice-growing heartland was devastated and international support would need to be "long term".

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Burma cyclone

Harrowing: Bodies lie bloated in the water still covering areas of the Irrawaddy delta

Burma cyclone

Only the roofs stand about the water in flooded villages around Rangoon

Burma Campaign UK has accused the military junta of giving just £2.5million to disaster relief.

Its director Mark Farmaner alleged this was less than the amount spent on wedding presents for the daughter of one of the country's rulers.

ORIGINAL CAPTION TOP: A man recovers wooden panels from his home destroyed by Cyclone Nargis in the Irrawaddy delta region of Burma. The UN warned of a looming health crisis as millions of victims are without clean water, food or shelter. (AFP - Getty)