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Just Three More Hours to Act -- (with video)


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April 18, 2008

If you haven't yet, please go to YouTube and watch our new video!

Click here!

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Our new video protrays how a national engineering group downplayed the role of the Army Corps of Engineers in the New Orleans flooding and tried to shift blame for the levee failures onto the residents - all ostensibly paid for by the Corps and by YOU as a taxpayer.

It's best if you watch the video by NOON TODAY.

If you watch the video by noon Friday April 18, it could earn a place on the homepage of YouTube where it may be viewed by millions!

Click here to watch the short video!

Want to do more? You can also:

1.  Register at YouTube and comment on the video.

2.  Share the video with family and friends.

2.  View and rate our other videos on YouTube.

Help New Orleans and people nationwide.  Bring to light that both the official levee investigation in New Orleans and the outside peer review were controlled by the same people who are responsible for the levee design and construction.

Thank you!

Sandy Rosenthal

Founder and Executive Director, Levees.Org

Our special thanks to the nonprofit Citizens' City Hall Project of New Orleans which documents community events and makes them available on the internet at no charge.

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Levees.Org is your source for information about levees and flood protection in New Orleans and nationwide.

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