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Alaska's Road to Ruin

Jamie Rappaport Calrk, Defenders of Wildlife

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May 15, 2012

Imagine a place where wildflowers blossom on fragile tundra, thousands of birds burst from lagoons of eelgrass and brown bears feast on salmon returning to spawn.

Now imagine tearing a road right through the heart of it all.

That's exactly what could happen if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife approves a proposal to build a harmful and unnecessary road through Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.

Please take action now. Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service NOT to allow a road to tear through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.

Located on the tip of the Alaska Peninsula, Izembek National Wildlife Refuge is internationally recognized as an important wetland, protected as a wildlife refuge and designated as a Wilderness Area.

It's one of Alaska's most ecologically unique refuges, with lagoons, tundra and stunning mountain peaks. This incredible habitat is home to brown bears, wolverines, caribou and other wildlife.

Tens of thousands of waterfowl, seabirds and shorebirds rely on the Izembek for nesting and feeding. In fact, each fall the refuge shelters nearly the entire population of Pacific black brant and emperor geese.

This federally designated Wilderness Area is the wrong place for a road.

Take action now. Help protect the integrity of Izembek National Wildlife Refuge and the wildlife that depend on this special place.

There are so many things wrong with the proposed road through Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.

  • It would slice through the ecological heart of this amazing place, devastating fragile habitat and the wildlife that lives there.
  • It would cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.
  • It would also set a terrible precedent, threatening other refuges and Wilderness Areas.
  • It is unnecessary -- faster transportation alternatives already exist for the area.

But federal officials are under pressure to move forward with this terrible plan. We need your voice now to speak out for Izembek Refuge and the wildlife that calls it home.

Please take action today -- the deadline for public comments on this destructive road is Friday, May 18th.

Together, we can protect our wildlife and wild places.

Izembek National WIldlife Refuge (Photo: USFWS)

Izembek National Wildlife Refuge is the wrong place for a destructive road.

Oppose the Destructive Road -- Take Action

Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service NOT to allow a road to tear through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.

The deadline for public comments on this destructive road is Friday, May 18th. Please take action today.

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Jamie Rappaport Clark

Jamie Rappaport Clark


Defenders of Wildlife