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Miles of Dead Fish in Lower Plaquemines


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t;OIL" is also covering our waterways @ Main Pass and Passaloutre and there is oil creaping up Main Pass as I type this.I wish I had a photo of the oil but for some "mysterious reason" many boats were grounded today and my little pelican didn't make it to the scene.BP is telling us the oil is gone...Yeah right,ok,whatever you say!Are they wearing blinders instaed of safety glasses?BP is ignoring this and they expect our fisherman to do the same.We need these bayous and marshlands.The dispersants are killing our fish,and making the oil sink, SO IT'S NOT SEEN!Well,i guess it's time to spray again BP because it's surfacing!Our hired fishing boats are getting layed off but there's claenup to be done!!C'mon now...this is our way of life,our living,our future.Please,do something already!!!!!

Aug. 31, 2010