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Victory! Now Let's Make Sure Mountaintop Removal is Gone for Good !

Pete Woiwode, CREADO Action

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From: Pete Woiwode, CREDO Action
To: Parick Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 4:14 PM
Subject: Victory! Now let's make sure mountaintop removal is gone for good.

Dear Friend,

Good news. The Environmental Protection Agency just delayed taking action on 79 mountaintop removal mining permits. This victory — though temporary — is in no small part thanks to you and the 150,000 environmental activists who have spoken out against coal and mountaintop removal mining via CREDO Action.

But this victory is only temporary.

For the past eight years, Bush's EPA rubber stamped this process, leaving landscapes scarred, water contaminated, and communities in ruin.

On Friday, President Obama's EPA made a big first step towards ending this nightmare by recommending that all 79 of the pending mountaintop removal permits be delayed and subject to further review.

This is a great first step, and the EPA deserves to be lauded for its action. But this is far from the end of the road. The EPA has the ability to reverse Bush-era rules and make this destructive practice illegal.

Big Coal has proven that it will stop at nothing to continue exploiting the earth and the residents of coal country. The EPA has begun the process of putting a stop to this destructive practice, and we have to tell them to make it stick.

Clicking here will automatically sign your name to a petition to thank EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson for delaying the mountaintop removal permits, and to ask her to end mountaintop removal mining once and for all.

Thank you for standing up for our climate and our communities.

Pete Woiwode, Campaign Manager CREDO Action from Working Assets

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Tell the EPA:

Ban mountaintop removal mining.

Your message to Lisa Jackson, EPA Administrator:

"I want to thank you for EPA's recent announcement that all 79 mountaintop removal mining permits would violate the Clean Water Act and so must be delayed. This is a great first step towards ending this destructive practice. But I also urge you to reverse Bush-era rules that are still in place governing mountaintop removal, and push to make the practice illegal. We need strong regulations that offer communities, waterways, and mountains sufficient protection, and the EPA must act to do just that. "

Clicking here will add your name to the petition. Sign the Petition.