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Farm Wars

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June 26, 2014

Compiled with information from a global network of beekeepers, independent scientists and environmentalists

Farm Wars

We Are What We Eat – The poisoning of our food supply

We Are What We Eat – The poisoning of our food supply

We now live in a world where it is considered beneficial and necessary to spray poison over all our food and to add more poison (dye, preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc) in processing our food. Then we take more poison to counteract the poisons. Beam me up Scotty, the inmates are insane.”Dr Nancy Swanson; on the history of how corporations have successfully changed the laws in the US to poison our food (03/04/2014):

The world of systemic insecticides is a weird world, surpassing the imaginings of the brothers Grimm. It is a world where the enchanted forest of the fairy tales has become a poisonous forest. It is a world where a flea bites a dog and dies…where a bee may carry poisonous nectar back to its hive and presently produce poisonous honey.” Rachel Carson on systemic insecticides in “Silent Spring”: 27/09/1962

“I listened and heard nothing, no bird, no click of insect. There were no bees. The air, the ground, seemed vacant…It felt like another planet entirely.”

Yet, 100 years ago, these same fields, these prairies, were home to 300 species of plants, 60 mammals, 300 birds, hundreds and hundreds of insects. This soil was the richest, the loamiest in the state. And now, in these patches, there is almost literally nothing but one kind of living thing. We’ve erased everything else. There’s something strange about a farm that intentionally creates a biological desert to produce food for one species: us. It’s efficient, yes. But it’s so efficient that the ants are missing, the bees are missing, and even the birds stay away. Something’s not right here. Our cornfields are too quiet.Adapted from the words of Craig Child and Robert Krulwich about a 600 acre farm in Ohio growing GMO corn: 29/11/2012