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'Let Them Eat Grass' documentary to expose massive government tyranny against small-scale farmers producing real food

Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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June 4, 2013

(NaturalNews) There is a war being waged against real food - no, not the heavily-processed, chemical-laden garbage that fills the aisles of most major supermarkets today, but actual wholesome food grown on clean, family-scale farms across the U.S. And the upcoming documentary Let Them Eat Grass will expose the aggressors in this widespread fight, as well as urge people like us to fight back and defend our constitutional right to choose healthy food.


The film focuses on Wisconsin dairy farm Vernon Hershberger, who recently went to trial for the non-crime of providing healthy, unprocessed food to members of his private buying club. The Wisconsin state government went after Vernon, claiming he was in violation of state laws prohibiting the retail sale of food without a proper license, and tried to lock him up in prison for three years and bilk him for thousands of dollars in fines. But Vernon bravely stood his ground and fought back, and ultimately succeeded in stopping his state's bureaucratic gestapo from trampling he and his family's rights.


You can read all about Vernon's victory here:


Unfortunately, what happened for the Hershberger family, though positive in every sense of the word, is quite rare in America today. If you have been following NaturalNews for any considerable period of time, you will likely recall that at least dozens of local farmers across the U.S. have been harassed by their state governments, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Department of Agriculture (USDA), and other government agencies for producing and distributing real food. And many of these cases ended in a victory for tyranny.


Take the case of Morningland Dairy in Missouri, for instance, where rogue regulators recently swooped in and destroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars of perfectly healthy aged cheese. As explained on Morningland's website, and at the following link, the factory farm-controlled Missouri Milk Board forced Morningland to not only destroy its roughly $250,000 inventory of cheese, but also cease production, violating the constitutional rights of Joe and Denise Dixon, owners of Morningland:


"Please note: Due to unfair and dastardly undermining by Missouri state authorities, Morningland Dairy has been forced to cease production, recall healthful product, and cease selling our present aged cheese," explains the Morningland Dairy website (


Family farmers, natural producers a constant target of the federal government tyranny machine

Morningland is just one example among many of the type of rogue authoritarianism our Founding Fathers were trying to escape when they settled in America. Government-sponsored terrorism continually takes place against not only family farmers, but also natural health clinics, supplement companies, alternative medicine research facilities, vitamin manufacturers, and others that operate outside the system.


"We at Right to Choose Healthy Food work hard to preserve our constitutional rights to healthy food," explains a promotional page for Let Them Eat Grass, which is in the process of being created into a feature-length documentary by the non-profit advocacy group Right to Choose Healthy Food (RCHF). "We do what we can to stop government actors including politicians and judges in the pockets of big agriculture and the processed-food industries from eliminating family farmers."


One way RCHF is able to accomplish this is through donations, as well as through the purchase of films like Let Them Eat Grass:


Be sure to watch this short preview of Let Them Eat Grass:


Sources for this article include: