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Non-hybrid seeds are self-replicating food technology: Do you have enough?

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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March 14, 2013

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Dear NaturalNews readers,

Most Natural News readers are into preparedness or self-reliance at some level: they grow a garden, stockpile a bit of food or even just do their own countertop sprouting. Our readers range the gamut from urban hippies to hard-core wilderness survivalists, but the one thing everybody has in common is that they eat food.

Not only do we all eat food; we all need it every few hours. Right after air, water and shelter, food is the fourth most important thing needed to keep you alive. Importantly, when you don't have food, you can be easily controlled.

Imagine a rogue government that says, "Your food allotment is now tied to your obedience in taking vaccines." If you want to eat, you must comply.

Control of food is control of humanity. This is, of course, why Monsanto is attempting to control the world's food supply. There's no faster way to rise to a position of dictatorial power than to dictate whether people can eat (and what they can grow). This is why Monsanto is one of the greatest long-term threats to the survival of humanity, but that's a topic for another article.


Stored food isn't enough

Like me, you probably own a fair amount of stored food. This is food designed to get you through a food supply failure of some sort, and depending on your level of commitment to this stored food, you may have anywhere from 30 days to 2-3 years worth of food stored away.

Regardless of how much food you have stored, it will eventually run out. Sooner or later, you will need a way to produce new food. And that's a whole different ball game from just storing food: You need to GROW it.

And that means having seeds.

Seeds, if you think about it, are possibly the most miraculous piece of technology in the universe. They are quite literally self-replicating food factories that generate more food and more seeds. The next generation of seeds can then be harvested and planted to produce a new generation of food. I know this sounds remedial -- "Yeah, I know how seeds work!" -- but have you ever stopped to think about how seeds are a self-replicating food nanotechnology from nature? They even produce their own solar collectors (leaves), and "carbon scrubbers" that pull carbon right out of the air and use it to engineer plant structure (stalks, stems, leaves, flowers, roots, etc.) Plants also grow their own antibiotics right in their roots!

But here's the kicker: not all seeds are self-replicating. Some seeds, called "hybrid" seeds, only grow one generation of healthy plants. Subsequent generations produce mutants that sharply deviate from the desired outcome, producing stunted growth, or distorted grains, fruits, leaves, etc.

Only so-called "non-hybrid seeds" can be grown generation after generation, reliably and sustainably. That's why people who grow food for self-reliance always use non-hybrid seeds.

There's also something called "heirloom seeds," which simply means they are non-hybrid seeds that have been around for many generations and are proven producers of self-replicating food.

If you hope to survive hard times, food shortages, solar flares, martial law or whatever might be coming our way, you need non-hybrid heirloom seeds that can produce a wealth of food -- and that can keep on producing it season after season!


Heirloom Organic seed vaults

Here's the answer to our need for self-replicating food: Heirloom Organics seed vaults. These are large collections of non-hybrid, non-GMO seeds packed in air-tight buckets for long-term shelf life.

View the full assortment of what's available at:

All Heirloom Organic seeds are 100% non-hybrid and 100% non-GMO. Many of the seeds are not themselves certified organic, but once you plant them, you can of course grow them organically and thereby produce organic food (or even "better than organic"). These seeds have much longer shelf life than buying seeds in individual paper packs like you might find at retail stores. Actual shelf life varies depending on the seed, but it ranges from 1-2 years for medicinal herbs to 5+ years for some grains. (Store these seeds in a cool, dry location to maximize life. Do not freeze and do not expose to heat.)

Here's the list of what's available now: (sorry, these seeds can only be shipped to the USA and Canada, and some seed packs are restricted from importation by the Canadian government. See individual descriptions for details. No shipments allowed to Australia, Europe, etc.)


Available at:

Seed Vault - The minimum seed collection you should have for hard times, the Seed Vault contains over 55,000 seeds covering 30 varieties of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Good for 2 people for one year. Weighs 1.8 lbs.

Family Pack - Contains 100,000+ seeds covering 35 varieties of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Good for up to 4 people for one year. Weighs 2.8 lbs.

Homestead Pack - A very large collection of over 170,000 seeds to help feed up to 8 people for a full year. Requires 1 acre of growing space. Contains vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes. Comes in one pail weighing nearly 6 pounds.

Farm Pack - The ultimate in food security, delivering hundreds of thousands of seeds covering 45 varieties of self-replicating foods (grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits). Contains over 390,000 seeds and comes in two re-sealable pails weighing 12 pounds.

(The Farm Park is also the ultimate barter item. When hard times come, seeds will be more valuable than gold, see below...)

Grains Pack - A hearty combination of wheat, oats, rye, corn, amaranth, barley and flax

Fresh Sprouts Pack - 4 lbs. of 100% organic alfalfa and red clover sprouting seeds

Livestock Pack - 12 varieties of forage and feed seeds to sustain nearly all farm animals (chickens, goats, cows, horses, etc.)

Heirloom Organics also offers these herb and salad seed packs:

Family Kitchen Herb Pack - Covers all the basic herbs you'll want in your kitchen: cilantro, chives, Italian oregano, rosemary, thyme, tarragon and more

Family Medicine Pack - Grow your own medicine! Includes echinacea, mullein, nettles, calendula, angelica and more

Salad Pack - grow your own salads! Includes Romaine lettuce, Oakleaf, bibb, endive, arugula, Mesclun mix and more

Professional Kitchen Herb Pack - 21 varieties of culinary herbs including black pepper, mint, yellow mustard, cardamom and more

Tea Garden Pack - 21 varieties of delicious, nutritious teas including green teas, black teas, chamomile, lavender and more


Why seeds will be more valuable than gold

I've spoken with people who lived in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation of World War II. Food was extremely scarce because the occupying Japanese army confiscated all farm production.

Many Taiwanese starved to death, and the ones who survived did so by growing "stealth gardens" of hidden crops. One of the top lifesaving crops was sweet potatoes, grown in hidden locations unknown to the Japanese soldiers. To this day, many senior citizens living in Taiwan who survived Japanese occupation will not eat sweet potatoes because they are still sick of them.

During these hard times, food was the currency, not gold. If you tried to acquire something with gold -- such as renting an apartment -- you were laughed at. But if you brought food, you had a deal!

Gold can't keep you alive. Food can. History has shown than when push comes to shove, food is far more valuable than gold. A starving man will give you every last ounce of his gold in exchange for one meal of food.

Think about that for a minute as you ponder your preparedness strategy. I'm not saying you shouldn't own any gold or silver, but seeds are a far more universally valuable barter item because they are a technology that can produce food. Gold can't grow more gold, and silver can't grow more silver, but seeds can grow food and produce more seeds, and that's as close to a miracle as you'll probably ever see in this lifetime.

Get your heirloom seeds now at:

To your health,

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.