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Raw Milk Police Defeated As Jury Finds Minnesota Farmer Not Guilty

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Septmeber 21, 2012

A small victory over the raw milk police, though the government is quick to state this ruling doesn’t set any precedent.

The Star Tribune reports:

A soft-spoken Minnesota farmer was cleared of violating state laws for distributing raw milk Thursday, a verdict advocates for such foods called their first major legal victory.

After a three-day trial and more than four hours of deliberation, a Hennepin County jury found Alvin Schlangen not guilty of three misdemeanor counts of selling unpasteurized milk, operating without a food license and handling adulterated or misbranded food.

[...]In a statement, an Agriculture Department spokesman said, “We strongly disagree with this ruling,” and added that the state provided sufficient evidence to show that Schlangen violated the law.

“This narrow ruling does not wipe away the fact that many children and adults have gotten dangerously sick from consuming raw milk. It also does not wipe away the other legal rulings that have upheld MDA enforcement actions,” the statement said.

Excuse me for ranting, but how many people have not only gotten “dangerously sick”, but died as a result of the dozens of wars the U.S. government has gotten itself in? How many people have died from the U.S.’s out of control police?

I find it hilarious that the most murderous people in society, the government and it’s criminal agents, love to act as though they’re the moral arbiter of “right and wrong,” while simultaneously their “employer” is running multiple military occupations of foreign countries, and a militarized police-state occupation domestically.

You can’t even drink raw milk in most states in this country without being arrested and dragged before some bureaucrat in a robe with your future placed into the hands of a random selection of “average” Americans who have been essentially drafted into slavery by the jury system and ordered to decide on your fate.

That’s not freedom, and this is not a free country. Anyone working to support this system and jail people for non-crimes such a drinking raw milk is on the same moral level as the lowest of criminals.