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Record of $9,000 in cash stolen from James Stewart found in warrant paperwork mysteriously left at his house by government agents

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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(NaturalNews) Two days ago, NaturalNews reported that a witness on the scene from the Rawesome Foods raid saw agents take $9,000 in cash from James Stewart. NaturalNews confirmed this $9,000 in cash was not recorded on the warrant papers left on the scene at the Rawesome Foods food distribution center ( (By law, all items confiscated from the scene must be recorded on the warrant paperwork.)

Today we've learned that a recording of this $9,000 in cash has been found on the warrant paperwork federal agents left at the home of James Stewart -- the home that was raided by federal agents and then left abandoned because they threw James Stewart in prison. Thus, no one had any access to this paperwork, and the state and federal agents who conducted the raid certainly didn't volunteer this information. In fact, several people present at the raid were threatened with arrest and being charged with "interfering with police business" if they asked any questions at all.

NaturalNews has also learned from a witness that after raiding James' house and throwing him in jail, government agents left the door to his home wide open, unlocked and practically inviting thieves to loot the place.


James may never see his $9,000 in cash

The $9,000 in cash, of course, is still confiscated and in the hands of the government agents who conducted the raid. All James Stewart has today is a barely-legible line on a warrant that lists the cash. There is no guarantee he will even get that cash back, as the government is fond of declaring cash to be "evidence" when they charge people with crimes (fictitious or otherwise). The signatures on the warrant, by the way, are illegible, making it impossible for James Stewart to trace the name of the officer who signed the warrant and took the cash.

But at least there is now some possibility of tracing the cash, and that's something nobody knew until today. A common theme in this raid is that in addition to destroying tens of thousands of dollars worth of private property (pouring milk down the drain, confiscating cheese, watermelons, mangos and so on), government agents played games with the warrants and even violated the terms of the warrant by pillaging and "raping" the entire store inventory rather than merely "taking various samples" as the warrant allowed.

See the related videos as:

So once again, we see government agents totally violating their own rules, threatening witnesses with arrest for asking questions, destroying private property, confiscating huge sums of cash, stealing the computers, throwing people in jail and them charging them with felony conspiracy to "mislabel cheese."

If it weren't so tragic, it would be downright comedic. But it's true, and it's happening in America right now.

Watch for more breaking news on the Rawesome Foods raid here at NaturalNews.

Aug. 10, 2011