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(NaturalNews) NaturalNews is now publishing some of the very first photos taken in the aftermath of the Rawesome Food raids, which involved a multi-agency raid against Rawesome Foods for selling unpasteurized milk and raw cheese ( These photos show how Rawesome Foods has been stripped bare by state and federal agents who engaged in what can only be called an act of government-sponsored terrorism against innocent small business owners.


As NaturalNews reported earlier, the warrant that was issued to authorize the Rawesome Foods raid specifically stated that "various samples of any food products present may be taken for laboratory analysis." ( But instead of taking only "various samples," the LA County Dept. of Agriculture authorities engaged in the wholesale theft of the entirety of Rawesome Foods' inventory. (See photos below.)


This, of course, has the effect of instantly putting Rawesome Foods out of business through the government-achieved destruction of their entire inventory. The scene at Rawesome Foods earlier today, in fact, saw California state agents pouring raw milk down the drain and gathering up the rest of the products to be hauled off to be destroyed.


This is not a lawful search of a facility for the purpose of protecting public health; it's a mob style government-engineered economic hit on a small business that provides a valuable service to society.


The pictures reveal the truth

These pictures, taken on August 3rd (the day of the raid), show the aftermath of the store after the state and federal agents destroyed (or stole) the entire inventory.


This picture shows the empty coolers and shelves that were stripped bare by the government terrorists who conducted the illegal raid.


Yet more shelves that used to be filled with mangoes, fresh farm eggs, wholesome raw cheese and fresh dairy products. Now they're bare.


More photos showing the aftermath of the raid. A day earlier, this was a thriving business serving the local community with wholesome, farm-fresh foods.


This picture shows the county truck that hauled off all the confiscated products to be destroyed.


Check for more coverage of this unfolding story. We will continue to keep you informed of what's happening in LA County and the Rawesome Foods raid.

Aug. 3, 2011