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Fight the Leahy Bill and help protect small farmers from vicious FDA attacks

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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(NaturalNews) It is undeniable that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proven itself to be nothing more than a terrorist organization hellbent on both controlling the food supply, and eliminating individual freedom of food choice. And now, the agency could gain even more power to imprison "violators" with up to ten years of jail time, thanks to the resurrected "Food Safety Accountability Act," or S. 3767, which was recently reintroduced by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.).

If this language sounds too extreme for your tastes, you may want to take a look at the numerous raids the FDA conducted just last year on honest, independent farmers, growers, and food cooperatives that sell or handle certain taboo food items like raw milk. These include the case of Amish farmer Dan Allgyer (, an incident at a New Mexico elementary school (, the infamous Rawesome Foods invasion (, and the shakedown of Morningland Dairy (

These are just a few examples, of course, of the many cases involving FDA tyranny against Americans. But as it currently stands, the FDA can only go so far in prosecuting, which is why the agency is pushing for the "Leahy Bill" to be passed. If the FDA gains the ability to arbitrarily imprison raw milk farmers and others who operate outside its clutches for up to ten years, it will represent just one more nail in the coffin of food freedom.

Defeating the Leahy Bill will not, of course, stop the FDA from conducting its terror campaigns against Americans that operate outside the agency's food agenda. But killing the bill will, at the very least, help to protect farmers and growers from extreme punishment tactics designed to intimidate the natural health community into compliance with the FDA's rogue agenda.

The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) is urging those concerned about protecting freedom of food choice to call their Congressmen and tell them to oppose the Leahy Bill. ANH has even set up a convenient Action Alert page that you can use to do so:

To learn more about the Leahy Bill and why it represents a huge threat to health and food freedom, visit:


May 13, 2011