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Star Kids Project, Ltd.

By Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC President

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pseudo-world from whose mental entrapment only a hardy few break free. These then try to free their fellow humans.

What a potent simile for the Public [UFO] Disclosure effort, which seeks to trump the government's snail-pace Public [UFO] Acclimation Program with vigorous grass-roots citizen truth initiatives.

Will humankind break free of the veil-of-illusion [The Matrix] woven by the cynical majority of the US National Security Council's Special Studies Group [SSG](nee Mj-12)? I think it extremely telling that the Star Visitor federations have given up on Western governments telling their citizens the truth, and have decided to move soon to mass-encounters as a way to end-run around the UFO Cover-Up, with its lies, ridicule, intimidations, and foot-dragging. When whole shopping malls full of citizens get exposed to Star Visitor presence, not even Rupert Murdock, Disney Corp., the New York Times and NBC can quash the rippling tide of word-of-mouth spreading of the fact that: 1) They are here!; and 2) they're nice but serious.

In Matrix Revolutions, the problem of The Matrix [mind control omni-field] is solved principally by one hero, Neo [Keanu Reeves, in the role of his life].

In real life, The Problem is being solved by an unstoppable combination of Star Visitors quietly working behind the scenes and Star Seed and Star Kid dauntless activists.

The truth shall prevail. We shall overcome!

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

P.S.: A copy of this (ahem) Manifesto is being sent through their designated cut-out to the Special Studies Group. Whether they laugh it off or have a case of well-deserved and prophilactic heartburn and reconsider their folly is their choice.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC President, Star Kids Project, Ltd P.O. Box 22310, Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 422-7400 (USA) E-mail: Website:
