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Important Report: Indigo Documentary

By James Twyman

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t this film, and to let all of you know the exciting direction it is leading us.

For the last couple of months our Indigo team has been traveling around the world interviewing experts on the phenomenon as well as many spiritually aware children. We began this journey with open minds and open hearts, and now that we have nearly completed the filming one thing seems very real to us all — this is a true phenomenon and the Children are indeed here to change the world. I have to admit that even I sometimes wonder where the line between the reality and the hype would be drawn. Over the last several years I've had the chance to visit and interact with some of the most gifted psychic children in the world, and yet I still sometimes wondered if this phenomenon was as widespread as many people claim. Many of the children we have met during the shooting of this documentary had never even heard the terms "Indigo" or "Crystal" Children before, and yet once they heard the definition they all said, "Yes, that's who we are." This is more than we expected, and the implications go far beyond our hopes and dreams. The Children are here, and they are determined to accomplish their great work.

When we released the INDIGO feature film, there was one comment we heard over and over: "We want a film that dives into the Indigo phenomenon head first, giving a complete view of the Children and their message." This is the movie you've been waiting for. For over a month I've been pouring through over 75 hours of video, some of the most intriguing and advanced information on the Indigo and Crystal Children I have ever seen. As the director of the film, the biggest problem I have is finding a way to keep the film to an hour and a half in length. There has even been serious talk of expanding the project to a television series, integrating the footage we won't be able to include in the feature documentary. Whatever the decision, there's one thing I know for sure — this is going to be a ground breaking movie, one that will touch the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

We will offer many ways over the next few months, before the launch of the next World Indigo Day, to experience bits of this amazing new film. Then we'll see you in a theater or church near you for the event. It promises to be bigger and even more exciting than the last.

So...remember that we are all in this together and are creating a new world even now. That is the simple message of all the children we have met. A world of compassion is being revealed, and it is being revealed through each one of us.

In Peace,

James Twyman

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