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"APOCALYPTO": Gibson's next film and the Mayan year 2012

Hector Carreon - LaVoz de Aztlan

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"Apocalypto" which in Greek means "an unveiling and a new beginning" and the fact that the film will revolve around the ancient, highly evolved and mysterious Mayan civilization, gives away the theme and content of the film. "Apocalypto" will be filmed entirely in the Mayan language and the cast will consist of local indigenous Mayan actors.

Mel Gibson filming "Apocalypto" in Mexico. The actor/director has great esteem for Mexico.

La Voz de Aztlan's article, "The next Pope may be the last", we believe outlines closely what the contents of "Apocalypto" will be. Published on April 4, 2005, the article describes the highly accurate Mayan Calendar and the Mayan Popol Vuh's (Mayan Bible) concept of the "Fin de los Tiempos" (End of Time). The Mayas were a much advanced people. They were superb mathematicians and astronomers who devised one of the most accurate calendars known to man, far more accurate than the modern Gregorian calendar. The Mayan Calendar was devised through extremely accurate observations of the sun, the planets, the stars and the Milky Way galaxy. Mayan astronomers knew, through yet unknown methods, the exact location of the center of the Milky Way and attached great meaning to the birth and death of stars at this center.

The Mayas, in addition, possessed the required knowledge concerning the "Precession of the Equinoxes" that is necessary to create an accurate calendar. There is no question that the Mayas viewed time differently than Western man. Their magnificent pyramids were perfectly aligned to the sun and the one at Chichenitza was constructed in such a way that during the equinoxes, the setting sun casts a shadow of a serpent (Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl/Jesus Christ) descending on the northern steps of the pyramid. This effect could only be obtained by extremely precise architectural and astronomical measurements.

The Maya's astronomical knowledge was inherited from even an older and more mysterious civilization at Teotihuacan near Mexico City which contains the famous Pyramid of the Sun and of the Moon. The Pyramid of the Sun is perfectly aligned with the star cluster called the Pleiades which the Egyptians also took into account in building their pyramids at Giza. There is a connection between the ancient religious beliefs of the Sumerians, the Egyptians and the Mayas, especially as they relate to the creation of the universe, of the human race and of the future.

The Mayas approached "prophecy" by deeply studying the periodicity of cycles, especially astronomical ones, and their connection (synchronicity) to human events. They were also deeply spiritual and very aware of the role that human consciousness plays in connecting to and obtaining information from nature. They knew that ingesting certain plants, religiously and with reverence, would open the doors of perception and lift the veil that keeps mankind from seeing certain realities and communicating with God. This knowledge must explain how they were able to ascertain what will happen on October 21, 2012. Incredibly, they knew, over a thousand years ago, that on this date there will be an astronomical alignment of our sun and the center of the Milky Way. This impending alignment of the sun at that very point, according to Mayan calculations, culminates at the winter solstice of December 21, 2012. Also, on this date, the tail of the "shadow" serpent descending the northern steps of the pyramid at Chichenitza will be pointing exactly towards the Pleiades star cluster which will be located straight up and over the structure (See pyramid below).

HUNAB KU - Mayan glyph representing a "black hole" at center of our galaxy

Today, modern astronomers, with advanced technological instruments, know that the center of the Milky Way galaxy contains an immense "black hole" which is constantly giving birth and swallowing stars. The Mayas had a glyph that represented a "black hole" in the center of our galaxy. How they were able to know this, no one knows. The Mayas tied their philosophy entirely on what they observed in the heavens. They thought that the center of our galaxy was a "Cosmic Mother Womb" and that it gave birth to our world. They believed that our world went through cycles of birth, death and rebirth. October 21, 2012, they said will end the cycle and our world will end by fire but will be reborn in a new, different and more evolved form. This will be the beginning of a new sun or the "Sixth Sun" according to the Mexicas (Aztecs).

Mel Gibson's title "Apocalypto", which in Greek means "an unveiling and a new beginning" , certainly fits with the Mayan definition of the "Fin de los Tiempos" as described above and which will occur on Friday, December 21, 2012. Filming of "Apocalypto" in Mexico is scheduled to commence in October for a planned release of Summer 2006.