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Movie - Global Warming

Randy Paynter

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ring its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival, and Roger Friedman, the movie critic for Fox News said:

"Not to be missed. It doesn't matter whether you're a Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative... your mind will be changed in a nanosecond."

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It's an incredible look at the facts about global warming presented by former Vice President Al Gore. I know this sounds a little crazy: you could go see Tom Cruise or Tom Hanks, and I'm thinking you'd rather watch Al Gore?! Trust me, this is a movie that will leave you more stunned, with more to talk about around the water cooler than any other you'll see this year.

I thought I knew a lot about global warming, and frankly, that I had watched enough documentaries about it. But this is not a movie about some distant island nation getting submerged or endangered species in Africa dying off. And it's not about problems that will happen in 50 or 100 years. This is a stunning look at facts (that some folks don't want us to know about) that will shatter your image of what you thought "global warming" was and how it will affect you.

Be among the first to see it when it opens this week in NYC and LA, or during the next couple of weeks as it opens across the country. Bring your friends and family. This is an important movie you'll want them to see.

After the movie, join in the conversation at the global warming site on Care2 ( to talk about what we can do to help stop this crisis from happening. We'll have experts on hand to help answer your questions. We've also gathered together dozens of ideas for easy ways that you can make a difference.

Please join us.

Randy Paynter

Founder and President, Care2

p.s. I was fortunate enough to meet Al Gore a few weeks ago and see his incredible presentation on global warming. I told him Care2 members were changing the world and I was going to ask all 6 million of you to go watch this movie and become a powerful force for good in this campaign against global warming. Let's show him we care!

p.p.s. Here's what the critics are saying about An Inconvenient Truth

"One of the most important films ever. If this does not move you to change, nothing will."

— Larry King, CNN

"Made me want to buy a hybrid and shoot my old car, so no one else could drive it... Amazing and smartly done film."

— Bob Mondello, NPR

"This is activist cinema at its very best, for it serves to popularize and demythologize a problem long obscured by those most threatened by the solution. With humor and searing intelligence, Gore outlines crucial steps we must take to avert impending disaster and proves that inaction is no longer an option-in fact, it's immoral."

— Sundance Film Festival

"Not to be missed. It doesn't matter whether you're a Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative... your mind will be changed in a nanosecond."

— Roger Friedman, Fox News