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Sept. 17, 2012

Went to see this yesterday…. Must take your children and grandchildren!  The grandchildren were main characters in the movie so this is a good one to teach our children

What is going on in our COUNTRY RIGHT NOW. Please take people with you!!!    Here are some notes I made during the movie to send out.  (YES, I never stop….)


Produced by Hellfighter Productions!! Thought that was great (it is also on the back of the main character’s vest)

Veritas Marketing group - Veritas – Latin base meaning  the Truth.


Main Character states….. I had been a coward - Passive and selfish - not wanting to get involved - not voicing the indignation that was being shown towards our Country!


Is this you?  


Did you know that Christmas was made a legal and federal Holiday!!! We have a right to celebrate it no matter what the ACLU says!


One of the biggest thing I learned from this movie - is that we don't question - there are no laws against our rights that they have "supposedly taken away"  that we have allowed BY CONDITIONING... And because we are "threatened into silence by this conditioning."


Show me definition  the "separation of church and state" what they have twisted this into is to abolish our religion from wherever they feel appropriate - what the meaning of separation and Church and State means is that the GOVT can't dictate a federal or state religion that we are free to have our religion we choose to worship.  They have twisted this into their own meaning and we don't question it! 


Fair and equal treatment - what does that mean - they want it to mean "fair and equal" to everyone but Christians!


We do not appreciate our Freedoms - they are taking them away one by one and we are taking them back one by one!!!


Civil Liberties to be preserved --- whose Civil Liberties are they actually preserving --- the atheists, the gay, the perverted, anti American - look whose Liberties they are protecting -certainly not the Christian Value citizen!!!


Are u willing to use your Last Ounce of Courage to take a Stand and Take our Country back!?? 


At the end of the movie the main character states:   Wake up! We can NOT let the enemy take one more inch! They are coming in like a thief in the night as we sleep!!! The silence has to stop!!! And it must stop NOW!!!

The voices are crying from the grave who are wondering if they died in vain fighting for our freedom - they gave EVERYTHING to give us FREEDOM ...


Are u willing to give your voice??? Can you  find your VOICES!!!

Your VOICES are NEEDED NOW!!! Our voices and OUR Words are the most powerful thing we have...doubt your BIBLE!!!

Words have always been mightier than the sword and we have let them take away our freedoms by their trickery of re-wording and not allowing us to use certain words!!! Open your mouths and let the WORDS flow!!! 


Freedom is worth it and we will win this fight- but we must get in the fight to win!!


I love Freedom and I truly know that Freedom does not come without sacrifice-  will u sacrifice all - I will gladly - for it is not a choice for me.  It is not a decision that I have to choose...for me there is no choice but there is only one road for me ... And it leads to Freedom and Liberty.


Will you join me?


God Bless our Nation!

God have Mercy on all of us for our Treason to Him!!

May we all get down on our knees and beg for forgiveness and PRAY for much needed Divine Intervention!



----- Original Message -----
From: TO
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 8:21 PM