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GhettoPhysics documentary reveals the gang structure of power that dominates politics, finance, corporations and business

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Aril 2, 2012

(NaturalNews) There's an absolutely stunning new documentary hitting the streets right now called GhettoPhysics. Brought to you by the co-creator of What the Bleep Do We Know?!, it reveals an understanding of society that parallels my own thinking on the matter: That every institution, every government, every corporation and every group of people is really just a GANG -- and all gangs routinely try to increase their own power by suppressing everyone else.


This is an extraordinary film with a powerful message. I was actually thinking of writing a feature article about all this myself called, "The WHITE gangs you never see on the streets" that would expose the gang mentality of Goldman Sachs, the FDA, corrupt local police departments, the DEA, global banks and a whole lot more. But this film beat me to it: GhettoPhysics is an explosive, gut-churning revelation of truth about the gang mentality that's deeply embedded in human behavior.


As the description for this film goes, "This isn't Chicken Soup for the Soul. It's a bitch slap for the slumbering." Watch the STUNNING preview at:


The full documentary is available there for instant purchase and streaming. It's all part of the new website where over a hundred films, how-to courses and documentaries are now available for instant streaming.


GhettoPhysics will change the way you see the world

This film will open your eyes to the gang mentality behind nearly everything happening in human society. You'll learn how the "pimp and ho" structure of power is reflected in finance, health care, religion, media and of course politics.


GhettoPhysics isn't about the ghetto: It's about the structure of power that's reflected in every sector of human society. You might even discover that you are a pimp (or a ho) in different contexts in your own life and career.


This film includes interviews with:


• Dr. Cornel West

• John Perkins (Confessions of an Economic Hit Man)

• Byron Katie

• Hank Wesselman, Ph.D.

• Ice-T

• Dr. Ernest Badger

• KRS-One

• Michael Meade

• Too Short

• Ishmael Tetteh

• Dr. Sonia Barrett

• former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney

• Norman Lear


Watch the trailer now at: