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NY Take Action: Contact Regents to keep our kids in

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NY Take Action: Contact Regents to keep our kids in school

Regents have acted to keep trans and illegal aliens in school. Why not our kids?


In recent years the New York Board of Regents, the appointed board that creates education policy, have passed regulations to assure that a threatened minority population of students were allowed to remain in school. We want the Regents to take similar action, and pass emergency regulations to assure that our children retain their right to an education.

      Please click on the Take Action link to send a message to the Regent who represents your county, Chancellor Betty Rosa, and the at large Regents who represent the whole state, expressing your support for emergency regulations to keep our kids in schools.

     And please come to the next Board of Regents meeting on Monday, September 9 at 89 Washington Avenue in Albany. Bring friends and family. Wear white for solidarity.

     In 2018 the Regents passed emergency regulations for the Dignity for All Students Act to assure that transgender students could remain in school. The Dignity for All Students Act prohibits discrimination by schools, school personnel and students against people based on characteristics including race, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, mental or physical abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex.

     New York education leaders fully supported the action:  “School administrators, educators and staff work day in and day out to ensure all children feel welcome and included at school,” Board of Regents Chancellor Betty A. Rosa said in a May 7, 2018 statement. “While the federal government is repealing the rights of our transgender students, New York will not waver in its commitment to protect transgender – and all – students from bullying, harassment and discrimination.”

    “Schools should be safe havens for all students, where they have opportunities to thrive in an environment free of bullying, harassment and discrimination,” State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia said in the same May 7, 2018 statement. “With this regulation change, we are continuing to provide support to district administrators and school staff as they work to create a positive school culture and climate in which students feel safe, supported and fully included.”

     See the statement here:

     In 2014 the regents passed regulations to assure that undocumented students could remain in school. Then Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman said in December 16, 2014 statement, “Schoolhouse doors must be open to every student in our increasingly diverse state, regardless of their immigration status—and there is simply no excuse for denying children that basic, constitutionally-protected right.”

     "The Board of Regents has enacted these regulations to protect the right of each and every child to a free public education, no matter where they come from or what they look like," said then Chancellor Tisch. “We are resolute in the belief that enrollment obstacles cannot hold back the hopes and aspirations of our children.” 

     See the statement here:

     How can a law intended to stop discrimination based on “religion” and “religious practices” not apply to our children? If regulations can be amended to allow undocumented children to continue their educations, and emergency regulations passed to allow transgender students to remain in school, why can’t they be amended to allow our children to remain in school?

     Please share this message with friends and family, and please post it to social networks while we still can.[capwiz:queue_id