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Common Core Math – You Won’t Believe the Subtraction Method Being Taught to America’s Kids

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April 20, 2014

This post is from a retired educator friend of mine. I have been working scoring NCAP testing at the 4,5,7 grade levels in the US. These kids cannot spell, cannot read prompts, and make up answers that have nothing to do with the subject. There are only a few students that do things properly. You bet there is a purposeful dumbing down of our children. It is shocking. I noticed that if there seems to be a preponderance of low scores, we will be given a new measure by which to grade which increases the scoring. It's all about money from the Feds.

If I were a parent with kids in school at this time, I would be screaming and doing something about it. Start with getting rid of Bill Gates, and his sickening foundation, probably funded by the Cabal.

I've even noticed the internet spell check is unfamiliar with some of the words I use. Interesting that the amount of words now listed in use in the English language is only 10,000. Used to be much higher. Phonetic spelling should be banned from the planet!

I can guarantee if teachers today were given a 1952 State Regents Examination (High School Level) from the State of New York, they would not be able to pass it. I took an 1895 exam at the 8th grade level several years ago, and could not answer all the questions. We are deteriorating-----no question about it!
