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Catherine J. Frompovich

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March 19, 2014

The Internet is rife with all sorts of blogs and sites that talk about cooking, health, politics, and even conspiracy theories, which seem to have become common buzz-words these days. What many Internet surfers apparently may not be aware of is that many sites promote what’s called ‘bum dope’ regarding the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Mark Dice, a political activist and author, produces sham public opinion polls soliciting signatures on bogus petitions in order to take a read on the pulse of just how little U.S. citizens really know the U.S. Constitution. A classic example of people not knowing what the Constitution and Bill of Rights are about can be seen here.

What is apparent in that video, I think, is that people probably are concerned when they hear frightening issues about freedom and basic rights being presented, but also don’t realize that they are not informed or, perhaps, don’t care enough to make cogent statements or decisions regarding the political health of the current situation in the USA. That truly is a shame!

Probably, we have no one to blame but ourselves, especially since we allowed civics classes to evaporate from the grade school curriculum. I remember as a kid in grammar school, I couldn’t understand why we had to study CIVICS, but we did. I am ever grateful that we had to. Why? Because from an early age I learned to respect the founding documents of our country; what they meant as a template of liberty and independence to others seeking freedom from oppression; and that I had an integral part to play in the role of being a U.S. citizen and how governance was supposed to work. Those lessons I have not  forgotten and, today, seem to be at odds with what I think is going on now.

Currently, we are governed with what’s become a corporate takeover of government by vested interests deciding what’s constitutional that negatively affects the economy, the workplace, education, research, the military, and every aspect of society, commerce, and culture. The puzzling aspect of that string of what some consider constitutional offenses is that many U.S. citizens probably don’t give a tinker’s damn! [1]

If that’s the case, we can remedy that rather easily and at no financial costs. Here’s how: Hillsdale College in Hillsdale, Michigan, offers FREE online Constitution courses that will educate, update, and engage participants about how the U.S. Constitution is a LIVING document, not something that is archaic and needs to be abandoned for something like a new world order, one world order, or the UN’s Agenda 21. Here is the website to register for a free online U.S. Constitution course at Hillsdale College.

To become familiar with Agenda 21, perhaps readers would like to listen to the “Agenda 21 for Dummies” YouTube