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Professor: Crazed shooters should target these kids


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'Next time, let it be your sons and daughters'

A professor in the University of Kansas journalism department has tweeted that he would prefer to see the sons and daughters of National Rifle Association officials the targets the next time a crazed gunman attacks innocent people.

It was in response to the shooting at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday that David Guth posted on his Twitter account: “The blood is on the hands of the #NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God d— you.”

Commenter “AJ” responded to the professor, “Shame on you. I bet you think of yourself as a Christian while you are asking God to d— people and wishing their children dead.”

Campus Reform caught the statement, and writer Katherine Timpf said when Guth was contacted about it, he not only confirmed he made it, he doubled down.

“Hell no, hell no, I do not regret that tweet,” he told Campus Reform. “I don’t take it back one bit.”

In fact, after “AJ” criticized his statement, Guth said, “That moronic logic defies description,” and “God’s justice takes many forms.”

The school’s website notes Guth is an associate professor in the William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Maryland and a master’s degree from North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

“He served associate (sic) dean of the school from July 2004 to July 2009 and as chair of the school’s Strategic Communication track from January 2000 to August 2003.”

It lists several awards he’s been given, including the “Del Brinkman Teaching Award.”

Guth previously was a public information officer for the North Carolina prison, probation and parole system, a broadcast journalist and private public relations consultant.

Campus Reform reported that Guth continued the conversation on his personal blog, Snapping Turtle.

“I don’t wish what happened today on anyone,” he said on the site. “But if it does happen again – and it likely will – may it happen to those misguided miscreants who suggest that today’s death toll at the Navy Yard would have been lower if the employees there were allowed to pack heat.”

In his interview with Campus Reform, Timpf reported, he wished “a pox on our Congress and a pox on the NRA” for failing to have more gun control.

“It absolutely appalls me that after Newtown, we could not have come to some kind of sane agreement on something as simple as the number of bullets in a magazine or the availability of assault weapons,” he said.

University officials told Campus Reform the statement was Guth’s opinion on his own media platform, and the school had no issue with it.

“Faculty have their own social media accounts and use those to express personal opinions, but those opinions do not represent the university,” Jack Martin told Campus Reform in an email.

The suspect in the Navy Yard shooting Monday was identified as Aaron Alexis, who recently had been from Texas but was working on a contract at the Washington location. He apparently was shot and killed by police after he had gunned down several dozen people, 12 of whom died of their wounds.

The NRA has not tried to intervene in the aftermath of the shooting tragedy, but frequently has called for existing gun laws to be enforced.

Concerned individuals may contact the University of Kansas.