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Anne and Patrick Bellringer

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Nov. 29, 2012

We are overwhelmed and humbled at the response of our Readers to our “call for help” for Fourwinds.  Many kind and giving people have made certain that Fourwinds is not leaving the Internet anytime soon.  We are most grateful for all, who have assisted our mission with their prayers and gifts and kind thoughts.  We ask the Angels to bless all, who care about Fourwinds and our mission of presenting Truth freely to the world.

Sincere giving from the heart creates much positive energy that goes into the ethers and, according to the Cosmic Law of Returns, is returned to the creator of that energy in multiple amounts.  True happiness is based on a balance in one’s life of giving and receiving.  May our giving and receiving be not only at Christmas, but in some small way on each day we are given to live on Planet Earth.

Thank you, and God bless you one and all!  You have made our load much lighter.

In Love and Light,

Anne and Patrick Bellringer