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Eugenics in education: Healthy boy banned from public school due to genetic makeup

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Oct. 22, 2012

(NaturalNews) An 11-year-old California schoolboy named Colman Chadam has been banished from his school and forced to transfer to another school because he carries the genetic mutation for cystic fibrosis. The boy shows no symptoms of the disease and appears to be in perfect health. He is being banished from his own school solely due to the genetic code he carries.

This is being reported by Fox News, Daily Mail and other news outlets.

What we're seeing here is the beginning of the application of eugenics in public schools. This is how it starts: Banning little boys and girls because of a "bad" gene sequence, even if they have absolutely no symptoms and are living in a state of perfect health. Next it progresses to racial genetic profiling, with declarations that people of certain races are "genetically inferior" and therefore unable to be taught in public schools, we'll be told. And from there, as history has shown, it moves into a eugenics phase where mad scientists backed by government power pursue forced sterilizations of those who don't have the "correct" genetic profile.

From there, it is of course a small step to firing up the gas chambers and just doing away with anyone who doesn't have the right genes. As HBO host Bill Maher recently said, "I'm consistently pro-death. ...My motto is let's kill the right people."


Cystic fibrosis is NOT contagious!

The really startling thing about this decision to banish a young boy from school is that his non-symptomatic health condition is not even contagious! He is being banned on the presupposition that he might someday become symptomatic and harbor bacteria in his lungs which could be passed on to other schoolchildren.

But wait a minute: Since when did we ban schoolchildren for the possibility of harboring bacteria? Have you ever seen a young child in school who wasn't harboring bacteria? If this is the new standard, then every snot-nosed kid would need to be banned from schools, too, because they're harboring all kinds of bacteria. Every kid who coughs in class should be banned, too, because their respiratory tract might be harboring bacteria.

But of course this never happens. Colman Chadam is being banned from school not because it makes any medical sense, but because the school is attempting to set a precedent for eugenics-based denial of education to young children. Colman is easy to target because he's white, but the real goal of these eugenicists is to eliminate blacks and minorities. Once they set the precedent with white kids, they can simply expand the program to go after those they really want to target.

Medical racism is alive and well in America today

In the case of Colman Chadam, his mother made the silly mistake of disclosing his genetic condition to school officials. She must have been one of those naive government worshippers who thought school authorities would honor her privacy and make decisions based on rational thinking. Instead, her son got discriminated against because of his genetic makeup. This is, by definition, medical racism.

Schools claim they do not judge children by the color of their skin, but they do judge children by other genetic markers, as you're seeing here. That's the very definition of racism, and there's no limit to how far they can take this. The argument will now be that your child is "genetically predisposed" to something like cancer, or tuberculosis, or violent behavior. Any genetic "defect" can be used to deny your child an education.

My advice? Don't tell school officials anything they don't need to know. And for certain don't take your child to a pediatrician, because they will call the police on you and have you arrested if you refuse to injected your child with mercury-laced vaccines.

Watch the film GATTACA to see an exploration of where all this genetic profiling could be headed.

Here's a trailer of the film: