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Oct. 24, 2012
Many people have asked us what the PHOENIX JOURNALS are.  They contain the true history (His-story) of mankind on this planet as well as detailed information about the most asked about and wondered about subjects (i.e., Spiritually, E.T.s, our origin, our purposed here on this planet, etc.).  Commander Hatonn and the other Higher Spiritual Teachers who have authored these JOURNALS, weave spiritual lessons and insights throughout the unveiling of lies which have been deceptively forced upon us., throughout time, by the Elite anti-Christ controllers.  These JOURNALS are the "DEAD SEA SCROLLS" of our time.  Their importance in the growth of mankind cannot be overrated.  They are the textbooks of understanding which God promised us we would have, to guide us through the "End Times".
Here is what Commander Hatonn has said about  the PHOENIX JOURNALS.  Quoting from JOURNAL #40, THE TRILLION DOLLAR LIE., Vol II, pgs. 47 and 48.   ----Brent Moorhead.
"Some day in the far recesses of the future experiences of another human civilization---these JOURNALS will be found the TRUTH will again be given unto the world manifest so that another lost civilization can regain and find its way.  God always give His creations that which they need when the sequence is proper.  It is what man DOES WITH THESE THINGS which marks the civilization.  WHAT WILL YOUR LEGACY BE?????  I focus on current activities which might turn your world about in time to save your ecosystems and your sovereignty as nations and peoples.  You cannot wait to be filled in on the lies of the generations lest you wait until too late to take control of your circumstance presently within the l lies.  YOU ARE A PEOPLE OF MASSIVE DECEPTION AND WHAT YOU WILL DO WITH THIS INFORMATION IN ACTION DETERMINES YOUR PURPOSE AND GROWTH IN THIS WONDROUS MANIFESTED EXPERIENCE--OR WILL YOU PERISH PHYSICALLY OF THE EVIL INTENT, OR WILL YOU  MOVE INTO AND WITHIN THE PLACES OF HOLY CREATOR?  THE CHOICE IS YOURS"  ---Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn / Creator God Aton of Light.