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School double standards are intolerable!

Liberty Counsel

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From our Friends at Liberty Counsel

A high school student in Fort Worth, Texas, was recently suspended for merely stating his Christian view on homosexuality – while his teacher had posted a photo of two men kissing in the classroom, telling students that homosexuality is becoming more prevalent in the world and that they should just accept it.


This sort of double standard in public schools is intolerable. Across the nation, impressionable minds of school children are being FORCED into accepting “alternative” lifestyles and being subjected to anti-religious bigotry.  While anyone with a Christian worldview can be disciplined for merely expressing their opinion, radical pro-homosexual groups are freely advancing their agendas behind public schoolhouse doors.


The pro-homosexual agenda is being advanced in school systems all across this country due to overt manipulation and threats from powerful, well-funded radical groups. Liberty Counsel is aggressively defending this student and the rights of students, teachers, administrators, and others who are literally being persecuted for their Christian beliefs and viewpoints as pro-homosexual groups subvert our Constitution.


ACTION: Tragically, many Americans feel at a loss as to how they can confront these issues head on.  That’s why Liberty Counsel will send you – free of charge – the “Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools” simply for reading and endorsing our powerful Statement on Religious Freedom in Public Schools.


This booklet should be in every home and school in America. It will revolutionize the way parents, guardians, and students view their public school system, administrators, educators, curriculum, extra-curricular clubs, activities, and fellow students.  Click here to get your free copy.