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Lying leaders, terrorism and explosion of atheism

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"HOW EVIL WORKS: Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces That Are Transforming America," the top-selling product this week at the WND Superstore, confronts head-on some of the problems of today's world and offers solutions to turn the tables.

The newest work of David Kupelian, author of the best-selling "Marketing of Evil," turns "a blowtorch of good upon the putrid cobwebs of evil," according to radio talk-show host Barry Farber.

"Do you remember removing the back of a clock to look into the workings? In 'HOW EVIL WORKS,' Kupelian lets us look directly into evil itself. There it is – every tick, every tock, every trick, every shock," he said.

The book raises the questions:

  • Why do we elect liars as leaders?
  • How does terrorism really work?
  • Why are New Age religions like Wicca becoming so popular, and what's behind today's explosion of atheism?
  • Why do so many celebrities who "have it all" – talent, fame, good looks, wealth, adoration – end up self-destructing?
  • Why are big lies more believable than little ones?
  • Why are boys doing worse in school today than girls?
  • and Why do we treat mental, emotional, and spiritual problems, like anger and depression, with drugs?

Kupelian breaks down the answers, diving into today's most horrifying news stories from terrorism to school schoolings.

He writes, "Good news: Once we really understand 'how evil works' – not just in the disasters and mega-crimes that dominate the headlines, but in our own lives as well – evil actually loses much of its power over us, and the way out becomes more clear. Thus, 'How Evil Works' bears a powerful message of genuine hope."

In second place is "The Constitution of the United States."

Besides being a popular product, it's also the subject of a special campaign right now to "Send the Constitution to President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

The law of the land has been printed by the National Center for Constitutional Studies and proofed word for word against the original in the Archives in Washington, D.C.

It is identical in spelling, capitalization and punctuation. The 48-page pocket Constitution also includes the Bill of Rights, Amendments 11-27, The Declaration of Independence and a complete index of the Constitution.

The front cover of this pocket Constitution has a four-color picture of George Washington holding a quill in his hand.

The campaign is intended to advise the recipients of the clear limits of federal authority and invites them to share copies they get – more than 1,000 already have been sent – with their constitutionally challenged colleagues.

"Make no mistake about it – there's power in the words of the Constitution," said Joseph Farah, founder and CEO of "It's one of the most magnificent political documents ever conceived by mortal men. In fact, I don't think its beauty, elegance and enduring spirit would have been possible without a little divine inspiration."

"There's much more at stake than a piece of bad legislation here and there," said Farah, citing his plan to "reconstitutionalize" Washington. "After all, Obama and Pelosi and Reid are doing much more than passing and enacting bad legislation. They are actually overthrowing our constitutional republic. If we don't act, if we don't sound off, if we don't rebel, the damage to America's political institutions could be irreversible."

In third place is "The Life of Washington" by Anna C. Reed.

The publication looks at the life of the first president, George Washington, in light of the modern revisionists who seek to minimize or erase all traces of America's Christian heritage.

The project, originally published by the American Sunday School Union, looks at Washington's life from childhood to his final moments, and reviews accounts of his devotion to biblical values and honoring the Creator.

It also reviews the events that shaped his life and his tireless commitment to humble public service.

Anna C. Lee, the niece of a signer of the Declaration of Independence, authored this amazing work for ASSU prior to 1850. Originally translated into over 20 languages within a few years, the book was among the most widely read biographies of Washington of the time.

The ASSU has been associated with some of America's most revered citizens and religious leaders, including D.L. Moody, Laura Ingalls Wilder and John Adams.

For more than 200 years, the American Sunday School Union provided quality books and Christian education titles for young people through their missions to start Sunday School programs and eventually began church planting, church camps, and numerous other programs.

Here are the top sellers in WND's online Superstore for Feb. 14-20.

  1. "HOW EVIL WORKS: Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces That Are Transforming America" - (Autographed) (Hardcover)

    By David Kupelian

  2. "The Constitution of the United States" (Pamphlet)

  3. "The Life of Washington" - (Hardcover)

    By Anna C. Reed

  4. "The Death of the West" - (Hardcover)

    By Pat Buchanan

  5. "Shocked by the Bible" - (Autographed) (Hardcover)

    By Joe Kovacs

  6. "'O' God: A Dialogue on Truth and Oprah's Spirituality" - (Autographed) (Paperback)

  7. "Muslim Mafia"

    By David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry

  8. "Help Mom! There are Liberals Under My Bed"

  9. "Sarah Palin You Betcha Hunting BobbleHead Doll"

  10. "Guilty: Liberal 'Victims' and Their Assault on America

    By Ann Coulter

This list does not include WND's two sister publications – Whistleblower magazine and Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin – always among the best-selling products in If you're not subscribing to these two great companions to WND, you're missing out on the best monthly magazine and the best weekly, online intelligence newsletter in the world.

Also, don't miss WND's newest, WorldNetWeekly, the tops in weekly news publications.

Feb. 25, 2010